How did the invasion of Afghanistan affect USA-USSR relations?


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Presentation transcript:

How did the invasion of Afghanistan affect USA-USSR relations? 1979-

Connector Find the world map in your diary. Where is Afghanistan? Which countries does it have borders with?

Outcomes To be able to define ‘détente’ To read about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and understand the impact it had To attempt and improve marks on example exam questions

Timeline 1979 - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1970s - Détente 1943 - Tehran Conference 1948-9 - Berlin Airlift/ Berlin Blockade 1979 - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis 1945 - Yalta Potsdam 1956 - Hungarian Uprising 1943 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1991 1947-51 - Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan 1968 - Prague Spring, Czechoslovakia 1945 - End of World War 2 1970s - Détente 1946 - ‘Iron Curtain’ speech 1961 - Berlin Wall

Definition of détente The word détente is a French word meaning relaxing of tension. In the 1970s there was a détente between the USA and the USSR. By the end of the 1970s, this relaxing of tensions was at an end after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

Paired reading (3 mins) Take it in turns to read out the information boxes on page 131 of the textbook. Summarise the information after hearing it – without looking at the book for help!

Exam focus (7 mins) On page 148 are a couple of answers to the question ‘Briefly explain the key features of détente in the 1970s (6 marks)’ Both these answers only get 2 out of 6 Improve the example answers by using the information on page 131 so that you get full marks.

What is this cartoon showing? Based on the clues in the drawing, which side should win this conflict?

Film clip Watch clip from ‘Beast of War’ showing a Soviet tank lost in Afghanistan in 1980 What does it tell us about the difficulty the Soviet Union had in fighting this war?

Reading Read about the events and impact of the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan Pages 132-137 EXTENSION – Re-read and take notes on how America reacted and how the war went for the USSR

What message does this cartoon have? Do you think it sums up the impact of the war on the Soviet Union?

Review Here are some possible exam questions on Afghanistan. Attempt an answer or answers in the time remaining. Describe one cause of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. (2 marks) Describe one aspect of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. (2 marks) Briefly explain the key features of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. (6 marks)

Homework Look through your book and make revision notes to help you with your exam