How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948? Satellite States By the end of the lesson you will have: 1.Recapped on what has been covered so far in the course 2.Described the features of a Satellite State 3. Explained the methods used by Stalin to gain control over Eastern Europe and why the West did not intervene.
What we have covered already: The difference between Communism and Capitalism The three meetings of the Grand Alliance Great power rivalry before the Second World War The breakdown of trust between the Soviets and Americans The key features of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid What we have covered already: The difference between Communism and Capitalism The three meetings of the Grand Alliance Great power rivalry before the Second World War The breakdown of trust between the Soviets and Americans The key features of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid – more to come on this!
Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine Bankrupt Communist Paranoid Suspicious Freedom Control Harry S Truman Yugoslavia Anger Poverty Division Greece Expansion Economic Pressure Joseph Stalin Can you add any other key words at the moment?
Read page of Walsh and bullet point the key features You may feel it helpful to build in the Marshall Plan too as it links with the Truman Doctrine Describe the key features of the Truman Doctrine.
Check your notes against the key features listed below. The Truman Doctrine was primarily committed to containment of communism. The Truman Doctrine split Europe into two distinct ‘camps’. Through the Truman Doctrine, the USA announced it had a responsibility to ‘protect’ the world. The USA did not want to invade the USSR, but instead would do as much as possible to stop communism spreading. The division it cause was based on the opposition between communist and capitalist ideology. This was a reversal of the traditional policy of isolationism the USA had followed.
Defining Moment What is your definition of a Satellite State? Strategic Importance of Poland. Security Percentages Deal Why did Stalin want to create Satellite states in Eastern Europe?
Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech, Fulton, Missouri, AEAQ AEAQ Watch and Listen
Look at the different ways in which the USSR gained control over Eastern Europe. Use pages 75 – 84 of Walsh to give example to support each statement. Intimidation from the Red Army Criminal charges against non- communist politicians to remove them from power Emphasising popular support for the communists. Rigging Elections Arranging a coup Favouring leaders with close links to the USSR and Stalin
CominformComecom Full Name Date Established Aims Effects Using pages 124 & 125 in the text book, complete the table below in your books with the information on Cominform and Comecom.
Why did the West not interfere as Stalin tightened his control over Eastern Europe? The west did not want/were unable to go to war again so soon. Stalin’s Red Army were stationed in Eastern Europe. At Tehran and Yalta the West conceded that the USSR would have some measure of influence in Eastern Europe. Stalin might claim that the communist governments had popular support.
Answer the following question: Why did Stalin set up Soviet-controlled governments in Eastern Europe? (You will need to explain three points in your answer to this question).
How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948? Satellite States Now check that you have: 1.Recapped on what has been covered so far in the course 2.Described the features of a Satellite State 3. Explained the methods used by Stalin to gain control over Eastern Europe and why the West did not intervene.