AETC National Coordinating Resource Center National Practice Transformation Community of Learning February 11, 2016
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center National Practice Transformation Community of Learning Agenda Overview of the National Practice Transformation Community of Learning: Goals, objectives, timeline, outcomes (20 min) Roles and responsibilities (NEC, lead PT regional AETC coordinators, regional PT coaches, clinics, others) (30 min) Selecting, mentoring and training PT coaches (35 min) Next-steps and future meetings (5 min)
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center National PTP community of learning members NCRC Andrea Norberg Deborah Storm Liz Rolan Frontier Anna Kinder Pacific Steve Bromer NEC Kevin Khamarko Janet Myers New England Donna Gallagher Vanessa Sasso Molly Davison Price Karina Danvers Midwest Andrea Meza Bustos Ricardo Rivero HRSA/HAB Polly Ross Sherillyn Crooks Northeast/Caribbean Daria Boccher-Lattimore South Central Christine Brennan Henry Pacheco Mid-Atlantic Linda Frank Tina Penrose Susan Winters Southeast Michael Mugavero Scott Batey Lisa McCormick Matt Fifolt
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center National PT Community of Learning Facilitated and coordinated by the NCRC through Adobe Connect Meeting HEB will participate actively in the process and provide direction as needed Members include lead PT regional coordinators, the NCRC, NEC and HRSA/HAB
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Purpose of the National PT Community of Learning Purpose: –To provide a mechanism for ongoing communication, collaboration, sharing, learning and support related to the AETC PT projects; –To provide faculty development opportunities as needed; –To create a robust web-based PT resource repository on; –Development of an organizational/site needs assessment for use across all of the regional PTP sites; –Development of an evaluation plan with consistent measures to be used across all of the regional PTP sites; –Development of a consistent training plan for the PTP sites.
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Proposed Outline and Timeline of Practice Transformation Project Deliverables due June 30, 2016 TaskResponsible PartyDue DateComments A.Designation of Lead PT Regional Coordinators ( LPTRC) Regions1/28/16 Ai. Outline consistent responsibilities for LPTRC PT Community of Learning group Outlined on National COL call 2/11. Will share notes with COL for any additional needed discussion Aii. Develop consistent core training elements for the LPTRC PT Community of Learning group Plan to discuss on 2/25 COL call B. Select minimum of 6 PT Sites according to AETC Regional FOA. Regions Most clinical sites have been selected or are in the process of being selected. In some cases need to reestablish relationships, and get final commitments. Pg.18 FOA “Clinics identified should be based on the ability… to increase the access to care in a community with demonstrated need.” Strategies to be discussed with PTCOL
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Outline and timeline continued C. Develop an organizational needs assessment of the selected PT sites NEC – lead; To be conducted with national AETC Evaluators Workgroup and discussed with PT Community of Learning group Assessment will be shared with PT Community of Learning group on 2/25/16 (our next call) Sample model provided by HRSA at the RASV. D. Select the PT Coaches for each selected site (PTC) Regions Many coaches have been selected. In some cases this is being reevaluated.. Di. Outline consistent responsibilities for PTC PT Community of Learning group Began to discuss this 2/11/16. Agreement established on roles, responsibilities and characteristics. Will share notes with COL for any additional needed discussion. Dii. Develop consistent core training elements for the PTC PT Community of Learning group This will be discussed in upcoming COL meetings E. Develop a consistent training plan for all sites. PT Community of Learning group June 30, 2016 What key concepts should all clinics learn after participation in the PTP? F. Develop and implement an evaluation plan with consistent measures NEC – lead; To be conducted with national AETC Evaluators Workgroup and discussed with PT Community of Learning group June 30, 2016HAB Retention and Viral Load Suppression measures are strongly encouraged.
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Roles and Responsibilities HRSA/HAB NCRC NEC Lead PT Regional Coordinators –discuss and create a position description PT Coach –discuss and create a position description Roles of the clinics Other roles?
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Selecting, Training and Mentoring PT Coaches Have you identified your regional PT Coaches? If so, how did you go about this? What plans do you have to train your coaches and provide ongoing mentoring? Did you do or are you planning to do a skills assessment of your coaches? Have you developed a skills assessment survey or used some other approach to identify learning needs of your coaches?
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Strategies for selecting clinical sites Group discussion on strategies, barriers and challenges questions, lessons learned
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center Plan for Moving Ahead Next meeting 2/25 3-4:30 ET Discussion for next meeting: –The NEC will review and facilitate a discussion on the organizational needs assessment survey and remaining questions about outcomes evaluation – together we will also discuss strategies for developing a consistent training plan for all sites. –Questions, comments, suggestions