1 Vision Links past events and present strategy to a vivid image of a better future Desired future state preview of a future annual report? Helps guide and coordinate decisions Laying bricks, making a wall and building a great Cathedral? Managing from the Future
2 Vision Broad picture details can emerge later Flexible approach in an uncertain world External where we and the organisation could/will be at a point in time Internal May address what the organisation itself will/could be like at that time Beyond data: “smart guess” Cleaning and helping put people on the moon
3 Successful Envisioning Simple, desired future Focused enough to guide: general enough to allow initiative in planning Appeal to values, hopes and ideals Challenging and attainable whilst grounded in present reality Easily communicated (in less than 5 minutes) Yukl, Gary (2006) Leadership in Organisations 6th Ed., New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
4 Vision and Transformational Leadership Articulate a clear and appealing vision Explain how the vision can be attained Act confident and optimistic Express confidence in followers Use dramatic, symbolic actions to emphasise key values Lead by example Yukl, Gary (2006) Leadership in Organisations 6th Ed., New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
5 Guidelines for Formulating a Vision Involve key stakeholders Identify strategic objectives with wide appeal Identify existing values and ideals that can be retained during the change Link vision to core competencies and capacity, to be credible Evaluate the credibility of the vision and report back Continually assess, refine and communicate the vision Yukl, Gary (2006) Leadership in Organisations 6th Ed., New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
6 Vision and Planning “The call for strategic planning is really a call for leadership and direction. Strategic planning cannot provide this strategic vision on its own, and is totally useless without it.” Ms A. Langley, 1988, p48 Cited in Mintzberg, Henry (1994) The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning p 271, London, Prentice Hall