MSEsG on Maritime Security and Surveillance 19 th November 2015 Highlights on the Horizon 2020 Work Program for 2016 & 2017 on Research on "Secure Societies"
Action SEC-21 Establishment of pan-European Networks of practitioners Background Action n°5.2.4 of the EU Maritime security Strategy Action Plan calls for the "establishment of a network of R&D experts to create a clear vision and propose a cross- sectoral agenda for maritime security research".
Action SEC-21 Establishment of pan-European Networks of practitioners Objective Support with EU funding the operating costs of networks bringing together experts from national authorities carrying out security missions. Networks of practitioners will contribute to the EU R&D policy by: Monitoring research and innovation projects with a view to improve their uptake and/or industrialization of results. Express common requirements on innovation needs. Indicate priorities as regards standardization needs.
Action SEC-21 Establishment of pan-European Networks of practitioners Scope of the networks: Practitioners from the same discipline across Europe (Coast Guards are identified as a "discipline"). Practitioners from different disciplines in a particular geographic area (e.g. Mediterranean region). Publication of the call for proposals: March 2016 European Brokerage Event on 1 st February 2016 in Nice will bring together practitioners to prepare proposals.
Action SEC-19 Data fusion for maritime security applications Background EU Maritime security Strategy Action Plan Work strand 2 "Maritime awareness, surveillance and information sharing" Objective Develop data fusion techniques to combine and process data form different sources to support surveillance and operations at sea. The use of the CISE data model is recommended. Timeline: publication of the call for proposals in March 2016.
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