Jeopardy “ DNAAAAAA! ” “Copy That!” “Name that Phase” $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy “What’s the code?” “My Toe, Sis!”
$100 This twisted ladder is the shape of DNA
$100 Double Helix
$200 The sugar found in DNA
$200 Deoxyribose
$300 The 4 nitrogen bases Found in DNA
$300 Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, & Cytosine
The three parts which Make up a nucleotide $400
5 carbon sugar Phosphate group Nitrogen base
$500 The base pairing rules for DNA – What pairs with what?
$500 Adenine – Thymine Guanine - Cytosine
$100 The genetic code in living organisms Which determines inherited characteristics
$100 DNA
$200 The process by which DNA makes an exact copy of itself
$200 DNA Replication
$300 Part of a eukaryotic cell Where the DNA is located
$300 Nucleus
The enzyme which “unzips” DNA for replication DAILY DOUBLE
$500 The enzyme which “reads” the DNA and brings in complimentary bases
$500 DNA Polymerase
$100 90% of the time, a cell is in This phase of the cell cycle
$100 Interphase
$200 The phase of interphase Where DNA replication occurs
$200 S-phase or Synthesis
$300 The process during the cell cycle which the cytoplasm divides
$300 Cytokinesis
$400 Uncontrolled growth of cells that occurs when control of the cell cycle is lost
$400 Cancer
$500 The phase where the DNA Begins to shorten and thicken
$500 Prophase
$100 The 4 phases of Mitosis (correct order)
$100 PMAT Prophase Anaphase Metaphase Telophase
$300 Phase of mitosis when 2 Nuclear envelopes Form around the Chromosomes at the ends Of the cell
$300 Telophase
Mitosis in plant cells forms this – It is not found in animal cells $400
Cell Plate
$500 The phase of mitosis where chromatids are pulled apart from the middle and move toward opposite poles
$500 Anaphase
Final Jeopardy
55 The correct order of these phase of the cell cycle. A B C D E
Final Jeopardy Answer C,A,B,D,E