Sonia Aguirre Angela Juarez
This design is part of an intersection in which cars are able to make a left or right with the right amount of space need it. It also shows the lines in which car is line up in order for it not to hit the car next to him. It shows an upper view of the design you can also see the trees because the design has to be more specific and exact of how the intersection is going to work.
This is a second example of an intersection. But in this case bikes also get to have a road. This road needs to be bigger and have more white line painted in order for the diver to notice that bike are around him. This 2D image shows a preview of how the bikes and car are going to be able to space and no crashes were happened.
This are some examples of how many cross roads are in the intersection design system. On the second picture as you can see, angles are made in order for the driver to be able to pull over with out causing traffic. This two images is what helps being less traffic and less accidents. Image 2
2nd_after.jpg 2nd_after.jpg intersections-part-1/ intersections-part-1/ intersection-analysis/ intersection-analysis/ crossings/pedestrian-safety-islands/ crossings/pedestrian-safety-islands/