Welcome to Year 3. Staff: Mrs Cowling & Mrs Finn (3CF) Mrs Scott (3S) Mrs Brittle (Year 3) Mrs Clark and Mrs Sadler will be covering Year 3 PPA on a Wednesday.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 3

Staff: Mrs Cowling & Mrs Finn (3CF) Mrs Scott (3S) Mrs Brittle (Year 3) Mrs Clark and Mrs Sadler will be covering Year 3 PPA on a Wednesday morning Literacy Volunteers: Mrs Hobson Mrs Soar

Outline of the Year All topics are cross-curricular. Autumn Topics: All Change (Light and dark) Raiders and Traders (York, Viking day, liquids and solids) Don’t Look Down Iron Man Christmas (Electrical circuits)

Outline of the Year All topics are cross-curricular. Spring Topics: The Groovy Greeks (Greek Day outfits!) Whatever the Weather (Keeping warm)

Outline of the Year All topics are cross-curricular. Summer Topics: Out of Africa (Nutrition, healthy eating) Staying Alive (Moving and growing, adaptation, Twycross Zoo) Helpers will be needed for the visits please.

Routines Morning: We line up on the playground, to be taken into school by the class We want to continue to encourage independence, so thank you for standing back from the line to enable the children to line up quietly ready for the start of the day. It’s been a great start! Children bring planners and reading books into class and settle to silent reading while we take the registers. On a Monday, please could you ensure that your child knows their lunch arrangements for the whole week (write in planner if necessary). Lunch boxes on the trolley please. Water bottles in the trays at the side of the class. Break time healthy snacks in the children’s trays or their bags.

Routines Reading/Writing: During assembly time, some children (on rotation) will stay behind for guided reading/writing. Free readers are expected to change their books when necessary. Help is always available, but we encourage independence when choosing their own books. Reading helpers: weekly, regular commitment, 9:00-9:30.

Routines Planners: Please bring in to school every day. They are used as a means of home-school communication and are to be signed every week by parent and teacher. Please record any home reading in the daily part of the planner. Spellings will be stuck into the planner every Friday and will be tested every Friday.

Routines Homework: This takes the form of either a Maths related activity, alternating with an English/Topic related activity. Homework is given out on a Wednesday and is stuck in the homework book. It is to be completed and placed in the homework tray the following Monday. We welcome your support with your child’s learning at home, especially learning their times tables.

Routines PE: Year 3 PE is timetabled for Tuesday afternoon, but may be on other days (weather dependent). PE kit in school throughout the week. Long hair tied back, earrings removed or plaster over, no jewellery (watches, necklaces etc). Black shorts, white top, jogging bottoms and sweat shirt, plimsolls/trainers and socks. We will be outside when the weather gets cold.

Routines Swimming: Swimming will commence in February right through to the end of Year 3. The children will be working towards the National Curriculum Swimming award and there will also be an opportunity to gain distance awards. Each class will attend 8x1hour sessions (walking to Bingham Leisure Centre). We will need observer volunteers nearer the time please (essential).

Any questions? We always have an open door approach and are happy to discuss any questions/issues which may arise (end of day is best).