LSR Subgroup Phone-Meeting Aug. 18, 2009 11:00 am (Arizona Time) Attendance: Kamel Didan Tomoaki Miura Jeff Czapla Armando Barreto.


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Presentation transcript:

LSR Subgroup Phone-Meeting Aug. 18, :00 am (Arizona Time) Attendance: Kamel Didan Tomoaki Miura Jeff Czapla Armando Barreto

Logistics Please use the following info to access the teleconference Room: Toll Free Dial In Phone Number: (800) GUEST – Guest Room Number: (Please keep this confidential - It is our Dept. code) HOST - me – Toll Free Dial In Phone Number: (800) International Toll Access Dial In Phone Number: (815) Guest Room Number: Host Room Number: :59am

Agenda We'll discuss progress and short-term plans & activities and follow this generic agenda: News/Updates (Kamel) Progress report & second year budgets & logistics ESDSWG activities Prototype Data distribution system feedback Web page updates News from Tomo & Jeff (If any) - LSR subgroup Progress (Kamel) - * SPOT data proposal (not out yet!!!) - Kamel & Tomo - Status of LTDR & MODIS data (Armando) - Status of Continuity and Phenology Cluster maps (Kamel & Armando) - * Data characterization (Jeff) - * LSR and VI continuity algorithms prototyping (Tomoaki & Kamel) - * ATBD (Due End of Second year) - Kamel - LSR/VI subgroup contribution & planning - All - * Work plans due Sep. 09. (Tomo & Jeff) - * File Specifications progress (Kamel/Armando) - Project timeline review - Summary of second year plans/goals (All) - Miscellaneous * : Major item needing attention

Updates/News News/Updates – Progress report & second year budgets & logistics – ESDSWG activities Decided we’ll join the REUSE subgroup (Robert Wolfe) – Prototype Data distribution system feedback – Web page updates – News from Tomo & Jeff (If any) Tomo – Focusing ob translation equation N14 versus MODIS Using Veg. – Using spot data s10 to create global CMG Grid (Daily data from AVHRRR/MODIS) – Algorithm- daily data planes – Compare to AVHRR & MODIS – Post-Doc. (Mongolia) Jeff – MODIS – AVHRR comparisons (MATLAB) – Post-Doc (to work on)

LSR subgroup progress LSR subgroup Progress (Kamel) Processing system status SPOT data proposal (not out yet!!!) - Kamel & Tomo – Status of LTDR & MODIS data (Armando) – We archived V2 and V3 will be out soon (?) – We characterized the MODIS record – see Armando Montana poster Status of Continuity and Phenology Cluster maps (Kamel & Armando) Montana poster by Kamel (First MODIS based cluster map and 2 nd order continuity equations ) AVHRR based first cluster mapMODIS based first cluster map The clusters are blind homogeneous areas with similar characteristics based on a multitude of ancillary information (Koppen-Geiger, 2006 method). We plan to use them to build the continuity equations between AVHRR and MODIS.

Data characterization and continuity Data characterization (Jeff) LSR and VI continuity algorithms prototyping (Tomoaki & Kamel)

ATBD ATBD (Due End of Second year) – Kamel UWG – Science advisory panel/group – Kamel & Diane (By end of 2009) LSR/VI subgroup contribution & planning – All The ATBD is due by the end of the second year to be reviewed by the Science Advisory group

Year 2 work plans Work plans due Sep. 09. (Tomo & Jeff) Data characterization work plan (Jeff group) Data (LSR) continuity work plan (Tomo group) These plans should help us gage and follow up of progress

ESDR File specs File Specifications progress (Kamel/Armando) LSR/VI file specification being modeled after the MODIS CMG VI product – Input from team members to reflect their take and activities » Ex: How to capture & reflect continuity and characterization for example in the file structure – LP-DAAC will provide data distribution system feedback A Phenology fie specification was submitted by MARK Friedl group and is being reviewed – Modeled after the MODIS vegetation dynamic product

Timeline Project timeline review Second year activities – shaded area needs completion by end of second year

Miscellaneous Focus on ATBD and Alg. Prototyping and V1 ESDR product Work plan Spot prop. Atbd Uwg Alg Oct. ’09 – 1hr. 14 min 44 sec.