Assignment: Create a composition using the “rule of thirds”. Your design will use: a silhouette and the word and initials that represents it; No more than one or two colors plus white and black; repetition and variety to create interest.
AB C To help you understand the purpose of this assignment we will look at three pictures. After viewing the pictures you will decide which one you like the best. Most people picked “A”, I wonder why?
The rule of thirds states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections. Understanding the “rule of thirds” will help us understand this choice.
AB C Let’s look at the pictures again, but now with the “rule of thirds” grid placed over them. Notice how the barn aligns with the grid in each picture and that in the picture most people selected it aligns with one of the intersections of thirds.
Lets look at some other pictures that use the “rule of thirds”.
In your assignment you will use the “rule of thirds” to create a focal point. In this design the focal point is the large black safety pin. In your design the focal point could be your silhouette, the word, the initial, or a grouping of several elements.
To begin this assignment you will create a distinctive and recognizable silhouette.
Your choice of subject will be extremely important, because not all objects make distinctive and recognisable silhouettes.
Be careful when you create your silhouette, because using interior shapes to help define your subject is not allowed. The silhouette of this image is not recognisable or distictive. Adding interior detail makes it more recognizable, but it is no longer a silhouette.
In order to have a successful project you not only need a distinctive and recognisable silhouette, but you need to make sure it is drawn accurately. Your silhouette is one of the main elements of your design and will be repeated many times. In addition it may be enlarging it which will make any inaccuracies even more evident. Think about what illustrator tools will draw your object the best.
Next divide the picture format so it is about ½ white and ½ black. Start thinking right away about creating a focal point at the intersection of thirds. KEY K K
You can also divide the picture format by using the word, initial, or a combination of all elements.
Next select one or two of your best compositions and begin adding to the various spaces you have defined. Add to them by using gradients and patterns. Be open to experimentation. Try using various line weights. Try dividing objects with the pathfinder.
Gallery of student examples