Pre-AP US History A Paradigm Shift in American Foreign Policy and Expansionism:
A Shift in Paradigm Definition: a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, an example serving as a model; pattern. To what extent was American imperialism in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries a paradigm shift from previous American expansionism from 1787 to 1850
Previous American Expansionism to use as model George Washington’s policy of land acquisition with American Indians The War of 1812 Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase Adams-Onis Treaty: Purchase of Florida Annexation of Texas Mexican War
New American Expansionism in late 19 th and early 20th Annexation of Hawaii Treaty of Paris ending Spanish-American War Roosevelt Corollary Control of the Philippines Control of Cuba Open Door Policy
Key Terms/People/Events to include in paper from New Imperialism Turner Thesis Alfred Thayer Mahan Josiah Strong Albert Beveridge Teddy Roosevelt Spanish-American War Platt Amendment Foraker Act William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Jingoism Matthew Perry Great White Fleet Panama Canal Big Stick Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy Anti-Imperialist League Insular Cases
A Shift in Paradigm The Thesis YOU MUST prove: American expansionism in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries was both a continuation of previous American motives AND a departure from previous motives.
Required Elements of this paper. Title Page with name, class, date, etc. 3 pages typed 1 inch margins all around NO name or title on any of the pages except title page Any plagiarism issues will result in an immediate 0 for your grade Grade: Since this paper summarizes all of American Expansionism Summative Grade (65 %er) Size 12 Font only. Due Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Grading Process 8-9 Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of the topic. Effectively analyzes, interprets, and makes inferences from the information. Supports thesis with many relevant facts and interprets that information correctly. May contain insignificant errors that do not hinder argument or organization. 5-7 Clearly explains the differences or similarities of the issue; some imbalance is acceptable. Includes some outside facts with little or superficial interpretation. May contain minor errors that do not interfere with comprehension. 2-4 Describes differences or similarities in a general or simplistic manner; may cover only part of topic. Contains few facts or contains facts that are irrelevant or inaccurate. May contain major historical errors 0-1 Shows inadequate or inaccurate understanding of the question. Contains inappropriate facts or no outside facts. Includes numerous errors, both major and minor.
The Grading Process
Manifest Destiny