Grammar in Action! 5 th Grade Ms. Lentz
Making Words Plural… When you make a word plural, you make it mean more than one.When you make a word plural, you make it mean more than one. Example- Erin has a dog at home. (one dog)Example- Erin has a dog at home. (one dog) Example- Erin has several dogs at home. (more than one dog). Most words need just an “s” on the end to make them plural (or mean more than one)- like the word above. Others follow different rules.Most words need just an “s” on the end to make them plural (or mean more than one)- like the word above. Others follow different rules.
Special Letters… Words that end in these letters need to have an “es” to make them plural.Words that end in these letters need to have an “es” to make them plural.
Examples adding “es” ChurchChurch QuizQuiz FoxFox BrushBrush DressDress TomatoTomato ChurchesChurches QuizzesQuizzes FoxesFoxes BrushesBrushes DressesDresses TomatoesTomatoes
Adding “ies” If a word ends in a vowel, then a “y”… KEEP the “y” and just add “s”. Example: Boy = Boys If a word ends in a consonant, then a “y”… DROP the “y” and add “ies” Example: Lady = Ladies Words that end in a “y” have a special ending to make them plural. These words follow 1 of these rules.Words that end in a “y” have a special ending to make them plural. These words follow 1 of these rules.
Examples Adding “ies” BabyBaby BerryBerry CherryCherry BabiesBabies BerriesBerries CherriesCherries
Checking Your Progress Fly Valley Party Crunch Bush Toy Potato Box Fix Try Girl Beach Your turn! Please take your ELA journals and complete the quiz. Make each word plural using s, es, or ies. Then flag it with a BLUE sticky note when complete!