CIS6930: IP Quality of Service General Information What are we going to cover? What are you expected to do?
Instructor: Xin Yuan –Office: 206A Lov Building –Office hours: TH 2:00-3:00 – –Phone: Text Book: –Internet QoS architectures and Mechanisms for Quality of Service by Zheng Wang (Morgan Kaufmann, 2001). –IETF RFCs and Internet Drafts –Research papers
Grading: –Term Project 50% –Presentations (2 times) 30% –Class participation 20%
Prerequisite: CEN5515 –Protocol Layers: ISO/OSI, TCP/IP reference models. –Manchester code –Baud, bit, simplex, duplex, half-duplex, modulation/demodulation –Framing, Bit stuffing, byte stuffing –Flow control, error control –Stop and Wait, Sliding window protocols –Error detection: Hamming distance, CRC code
Prerequisite: CEN5515 –MAC layer protocols: Aloha, CSMA/CD, Ethernet, Token ring –Extended LANs: Hubs, Bridges (switches) Spanning tree –Network layer: Routing, distance vector, link state Connectionless and connection oriented IP addressing –TCP: Slow start Congestion control –Application layer: DNS, http, etc
What will this course cover? Issues related to QoS over data networks –QoS architectures: IntServ, DiffServ, MPLS –Signaling protocol: RSVP –Issues in router support for QoS (packet scheduling) –Issues in end-to-end QoS support (reservation.vs. provisioning) –QoS/constraint/policy based routing –Traffic Engineering QoS application: Voice over IP DWDM networks and QoS over DWDM networks Objective: Understand the research issues in this area.
What are you expected to do in this class? –Read the related materials before coming to the class. –Go deep on your own – the lecture will only cover the key concepts. –Term project – start now!!! Literature search –SCI, EI, WWW, books, papers. Reading Writing
Potential project topics: –You can choose your own topic, anything related to networking will do. IP QoS: Issues, Protocols and Standards IP QoS: Products and Services QoS Routing Packet scheduling techniques Stateless QoS support techniques QoS in Wireless networks Traffic Engineering: Issues, Protocols, and Standards
Potential project topics: MPLS: Issues, Protocols and Standards Voice over IP: Issues, Protocols, and Standards Voice over IP: Products, Services. Virtual Private Networks: Issues, Protocols and Standards Virtual Private Networks: Products and Services Routing and Wavelength Assignment Optical Network management and gMPLS/MPLambdaS QoS over DWDM networks IP over DWDM issues
–Next Class: review general networking concepts –What should you do before the class? Decide a term project topic. Preliminary literature search for your topic: –2002, 2001 SIGCOMM, INFOCOM, ICC, GLOBCOM –Can’t find a paper in the above list you have a bad topic!!!