Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve Data from the ball Data from sensvest
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve Player 1 throws the ball
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve ball flying Player 2 expecting the ball
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve Spieler 2 in Erwartungsbewegung Player 2 plays the ball with an underhand serve
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve ball flying Player 1 expecting the ball
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Examination of the underhand serve Spieler 2 in Erwartungsbewegung Player 1 plays the ball with an underhand serve
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Analysis of the sports teacher: Player 2 … … goes into a squatting position … moves his arms towards the ball uniformly perfect !!
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Die Analyse des Sportlehrers: Player 1 … … is awaiting the ball motionless … then serving back hectically needs more training !!
Physics and Sport : Volleyball Obviously the different techniques of playing show different results: Which ball receives a bigger momentum ?