Phase 2 Research Questions Theme 1: Nutrition, food safety and value addition 1)Which combinations of technology packages can reduce household vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity while enhancing value addition? 2)How can we mitigate aflatoxin contamination in food through improved crop processing, storage technologies and biological control? 3)What options are available to reduce labor and time inputs into pre-harvest, harvest and post harvest activities for women and youth?
Theme 2: Resilient Production Systems 1)What SI practices will increase productivity and profitability of cropping systems? 2)Which crop-livestock-vegetable combinations are more productive, resilient and adapted to climate change? 3)Which tree or shrub species and management options have potential for intensive vegetable and fodder production? 4)Which combinations of cereal and legume varieties and agronomic practices will optimize feed from cereal- legume cropping systems? 5)How can livestock be integrated into cropping systems to increase nutrient cycling, water capture and outputs of crop and livestock products? 6)To what extent will small-scale irrigation options improve productivity in crop-livestock systems? 7)Which SI options will improve and preserve soil and land resources at the plot, farm and watershed levels? 8)What tradeoffs need to be considered in associated SI? 9)How can adoption of SI practices be enhanced? 10)To what extent are SI practices having impact on HH food and nutrition security, agriculture biodiversity and HH income? 11)Which SI technologies are technically feasible, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally friendly? Phase 2 Research Questions
Theme 3: Markets, Institutions and Gender 1)How do local institutions affect access of small holder farmers to output and input markets? 2)How can gender be mainstreamed to improve the benefits of SI practices to household members (such as better nutrition, better income, reduced drudgery)? 3)What are the effects of SI practices on different gender groups? Phase 2 Research Questions
Phase 2 Research Activities Theme 1: Nutrition, food safety and value addition 1.1. Create awareness and train target communities on improved nutrition, food safety and value addition Evaluate the performance of nutrient dense crop and livestock combinations for women and children 1.3. Evaluate the role of SI options towards reduction of labor and time inputs at production cycles for women and youth.
Phase 2 Research Activities Theme 2: Resilient Production Systems 2.1. Model efficiency and associated tradeoff analysis of farm system components and whole farms 2.2. Test and disseminate improved and integrated crop-livestock-vegetable practices in order to increase productivity, resilience and adaptation to climate change 2.3. Test and disseminate agroforestry options for intensive tree-shrub and fodder production Determine soil and land health indicators, characterize land use changes and identify drivers of land use change 2.5. Conduct adoption and impact studies on SI practices Conduct cost benefit analysis of selected SI practices Evaluate small-scale irrigation option for dry season vegetable production 2.8. Analyze how SI practices fit into existing household contexts such as labor requirements, gender division of labor, and cultural perceptions.
Phase 2 Research Activities Theme 3: Markets, Institutions and Gender 3.1. Evaluate the role of local institutions on access of small holder farmers to output and input markets 3.2. Analyze key crop and livestock value chains in intervention communities. - Conduct market analysis including price dynamics and market integration within the context of urban and rural settings 3.3. Develop labor-saving pre- and post-harvest tools that are gender sensitive 3.4. Assess business opportunities for women and youth in agro-input supply, marketing and value addition.