By: Jojo
Arek arek diving club was founded on 10 October 2010 in Surabaya by a group of people namely, Mr. Jimmy Lengkong, Mr. Hendro Luhur, Mr. Michael Warsito and others. Recently, the organization leader is Mrs. Yara and they usually change the leader every anniversary. A2DC has been visiting a lot of diving places and they also teach people to dive. Every anniversary month, A2DC always conducts social activities such as, beach clean up, reef conservation, sea turtle conservation, etc. The organization consists of 70 members but soon more people will join the club. They do diving trip minimum once every three months. Their slogan is “NEVER DIVE ALONE “.
Their vision is to become the biggest diving club in Indonesia with a culture of excellent fellowship. While their mission is to be dedicated to developing, supporting and promoting diving through club activities and fellowship
One of their internal problems is, until now they never committed to do regular fellowship as they planned once every month because of the low rate of members participation to attend
To solve the internal problem, they need to increase attendance rate in every regular fellowship meeting by enlightenment with interesting dive matters such as, safety rules, knowledge of dive equipment, knowledge of dive skills, diving photography, etc and also use social media such as Gmail. The new program: inviting guest speakers to present interesting dive matter such as, safety rules, knowledge of dive equipment, knowledge of dive skills, diving photography, etc
One of the external problems is lack of appropriate places to do diving practices such as, deep pool and dive shops in Surabaya.
To solve this problem, the club should have its own dive center with deep pool in Surabaya. New program: to find investors to build dive center and deep pool in Surabaya with profit sharing scheme in order club members may practice their dive skills regularly.
The connection are sometimes they have like some people did not came for meeting and of my experience sometimes we or the organization I experience did not like join the conversation like they are absent and to solve it is the same they use social media and we use social media
CriteriaMDEI Identify an organizatio nal problems √ Propose strategies to solve organization al problems √ Connect the problem solving strategies used by formal organization to classroom experiences √