SiPM from ST-Microelectronics Nepomuk Otte & Hector Romo Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz
Main Characteristics (Module H) 3 samples packaged in TO-39 cans The devices belong to the lot Y745439, Wafer 3 The SiPM has the following characteristics: 1 mm 2 total area (excluding metal pads) n-on-p device 289 (17 x 17) pixels ( 60 µm pitch) 40 µm single pixel active area side (45% geometrical fill factor) Single pixel quenching resistor value about 1.3 MΩ Optical insulation to avoid optical cross-talk effects between adjacent pixels Info from ST Microelectronics Thanks to Massimo Mazzillo for samples
Anode Cathode Array Area: 1 x1 mm2 (excluding metal pads) Chip size: 4.37 x 4.37 mm2 Layout Mod H
Measurements with Noise: Gain derived from average single cell amplitude assumption of triangular pulse shape Procedure: single cell signals: 4 ns full width symmetric Temperature: 0°C Gain effective capacitance of single cell: C eff =ΔQ/ΔU ~ 15fF ΔUΔU ΔQΔQ breakdown voltage: extrapolation to zero gain U break =29.3 V Operational range: 30V-40V >30% above breakdown
Gain/Breakdown/Capacitance vs. 35V parameters from linear fit of gain vs. bias measurements change of gain 0.5% per 1°C ! 0.1% per 1°C breakdown voltage eff. cell capacitance uncertainty ~ 5%
Dark Rates discriminator set to < single cell signal Sensor area: 1mm² Dark rate: 0°C: rate doubles every 2 Volts or rate doubles if gain increases by 2·10 5
Dark Rates vs. Temperature factor 2 change per 12°C factor 2 change per 5°C Gain ~ 500,000
Measurements with Noise: Optical Crosstalk direct and indirect (delayed by max 20 ns) optical crosstalk 1 phe 2phe + extra dark counts naively expect change equal to relative change of gain but optical crosstalk increases faster probably due to increased breakdown probability nice task to simulate with SiSi
Optical Crosstalk vs. Temperature 3% optical crosstalk rise above 20°C can be explained by additional darkcounts e.g.: 2 25°C & 20ns gate 4% probability for additional dark count groves ! 0.8 µm wide, 8 µm long IEEE PTL, VOL. 18, NO. 15, 2006
Photon Detection Efficiency Yeah, if only I would know the PDE. packaging complicates mounting into our setup but we will fix this next Otherwise: good gain vs. temperature dependence (0.5% / °C) large bias range (30V-40V) good dark rate behaviour fast signals 3x3 mm² devices in the pipeline probably green sensitive (n-on-p) IEEE TED, VOL. 55, NO. 10, 2008