Collaboration in San Juan Tom Alves, SJTA Executive Director Aaron Bond, CSEA President Shannan Brown, SJTA President Pam Costa, SJUSD Board President Kent Kern, SJUSD Superintendent
San Juan Unified Unified in 1960 with the merger of six school districts Covering six distinct communities – Arden-Arcade – Carmichael – Citrus Heights – Fair Oaks – Gold River – Orangevale 40,000 students – Infant Toddler- Adult 66 school sites
How We Got Started s – Labor Unrest 1990s – Interest Based 2000s – Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) / Induction – Budget Review Committee (BRC)
Labor’s Role Be willing to look at ourselves Identify values/goals beyond traditional ‘bread and butter’ issues
School Board’s Role Selection of Superintendent Connect Directly with Labor Leaders Support Collaboration Publicly Build a Collaborative Board Culture
Superintendent’s Role Meet with Labor Leaders Regularly Hire Collaborative Administrative Leaders Open Communication Build Trust
Joint CSEA Initiatives Health Care Committee Selection Process for Management Positions Instructional Assistant Training (ELD and Special Education) ECE Integration (with SJTA) LCAP Relationship Building/Communication
Joint SJTA Initiatives Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)/Induction Elementary Report Card Learning Support Teams ECE Integration (with CSEA) System of Professional Growth (a Redesign of our Evaluation System) Special Education Committee
Initiative Process Joint Committee Opportunity for Input (survey, focus group, etc.) Creation of an initial draft for feedback Pilot (or Prototype) Opportunities for further feedback (surveys, focus groups, etc.) Implementation * Develop process for on-going adjustments
What We Are Learning Communication is KEY Building trust means taking risks AND acting in a trustworthy manner Collaboration still varies throughout our system We must understand each other’s political realities
The Journey Ahead Include CSEA and SJPEC more regularly Involve parents and students Systematize collaboration Create sustainable feedback loops