Katie Yurkewicz April 20, 2015 Kamioka/Toyama, Japan InterAction Collaboration Business Meeting
Membership April 20,
2014 Collaboration members April 20, Full membersAssociate membersAssociate members (in-kind contributions) CERNArgonne National LabIPMU DESYLawrence Berkeley National Lab LC Communicators FermilabBrookhaven National Lab IRFU/CEA KEKIHEP BeijingJINR STFCIN2P3NIKHEF TRIUMFINFNCoEPP SLAC
Membership conversations over past year APPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Consortium) Requested to be added to interactions.org contact list. CERN advised that APPEC is not a good fit for interactions membership; advised accordingly. RIKEN (Japan) Inquired about the collaboration; invited to this meeting as observers. Explained that Interactions is for institutions with leading roles in particle physics. University of Tokyo Institute for Cosmic Ray Research Expressed interest to Yoshihisa but have decided to wait. Attending as observers. April 20,
Potential institutions to approach in 2015 Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) Will be host facility for the DUNE far detector. Have a communications & outreach person onboard. Unclear if they are ready for membership, but candidate to invite as observer to fall meeting. SNOLAB (Canada) Site for future dark matter experiments. Have a communications & outreach person onboard. Candidate to invite as observer to fall meeting. Re-start search for Brazil contact to invite as fall meeting observer? April 20,
Election for new Collaboration Board members May 2014 – April 2015 IPMU (Yoshihisa Obayashi), co-chair Fermilab (Katie Yurkewicz), co- chair CERN (James Gillies) TRIUMF (Melissa Baluk) STFC (Terry O’Connor) KEK (Saeko Okada) DESY (Christian Mrotzek) IHEP Beijing (Peggy Pan) SLAC (Farnaz Khadem) May 2015 – April 2016 STFC (Terry O’Connor), co- chair Fermilab (Katie Yurkewicz), co- chair CERN (James Gillies) TRIUMF (Melissa Baluk) STFC (Terry O’Connor) KEK (Saeko Okada) DESY (Christian Mrotzek) Associate member April 20,
In-kind contributions NIKHEF – IPMU – 2015 meeting LC Communicators – CoEPP – April 20,
Finances April 20,
2014 Income April 20, Full member contributions ($10K each)RequestedReceived CERN10, DESY10, Fermilab10, KEK10, STFC10, TRIUMF10, Associate member contributions ($5K each) Argonne5, Berkeley5, Brookhaven5, CoEPP1, IHEP Beijing5, IN2P35, INFN5, SLAC5, TOTAL INCOMERequestedReceived $96,400.00$95,000.00
2014 Expenses Xeno Media contract Website maintenance and development, Quantum Diaries editing and social media$72, Travel to 2 collaboration meetings$4, Website hosting contract Full year quantumdiaries.org and interactions.org$6, Executive Secretary travel Attendance only at fall meeting$2, TOTAL EXPENSES$86, April 20,
2014 Summary $96,400 - $86,341 $10,059 + $ 8,428 = $18,487 Contributions* Expenses ** Net income Carryover from 2013 Carryover to 2015 April 20, *Assumes all contributions will be received. Outstanding dues are $1,400.
2015 Projected Expenses April 20, Xeno Media contract Website maintenance and development, Quantum Diaries editing and social media (incl. annual increase)73, Travel to 2 collaboration meetings5, Website hosting contract Full year quantumdiaries.org and interactions.org6, Executive Secretary travel Incl. attendance at spring and fall meetings5, TOTAL EXPENSES89,940.00
2015 Projected Summary $96,400 - $89,940 $6,460 + $18,487 = $24,947 Contributions expected Estimated expenses Net income Carryover from 2014 End balance in 2015 April 20,
Future Meetings April 20,
Planned meetings Fall 2015 – Brookhaven Spring 2016 – RAL, UK hosted by STFC (Doodle poll already conducted) Fall 2016? April 20,