System Design - EE321X Civilizations and Cultures Reflective Essay TEAM 2016 Topic: Evaluation Criteria, System Specification, and Alternatives Romeo, Blackburn-Jones, Wanamaker, Florendo, Hodapp, LaMagna 27 Jan 2015
System Evaluation Criteria for C&C essay Individual essay* Published in Wordpress eportfolio* Evaluated using rubric* words* Supported by artifacts* All sources properly cited and attached electronically on submission of the assignment* Essay will be reviewed by team members and the Writing Center before submission to the instructure Essay will be submitted by the end of the academic semester The Essay will use at least three examples of how culture influences engineering design *Constraint: imposed limits to design
C&C Reflective Essay System Specification An individually composed, word, reflective essay, reflecting on the values and effects of different cultures on the style and effectiveness of engineering work conducted in those particular cultures, utilizing at least three examples, reviewed by peers and the Writing Center, submitted electronically on Wordpress, supported by artifacts, sufficiently cited in an appropriate format, and submitted by the middle of the semester.
C&C reflective essay alternatives Cultural influence on composition of global design teams Cultural elements influencing webpage designs How culture shaped engineering and technological advancements throughout history How cultures affect the learning of the engineering discipline in different civilizations How engineering advancements or technologies affect the cultures of different civilizations How military technologies effect cultures How global communication systems affect the evolution of cultures How environmental and cultural concerns affect the development and production of new technologies