Background of LandCare Programme Since 1997, the National Government have been working together with the provincial to strengthen implementation of LandCare Programme in SA. For SA launching of the program was propitious due to political and government system changes after the apartheid regime. The constitution placed emphasis on the need for community participation. The concerns regarding visible degradation of agricultural base and the need to involve community hence “LandCare
Why LandCare programme? Agricultural land is available in a fixed supply. In order to optimize on the agricultural potential of SA and meet the national food requirements it is necessary to reduce and manage risks such as erosion, overgrazing, bush encroachment, alien plant infestations & soil nutritional deficiencies Management of these risks prevents starvation & malnutrition 3
The implementation framework describes the following :- LandCare movement, National LandCare programme & Organizational structure 5 LandCare approach
The implementation framework describes the following :- Strategic objectives Populations State of NR Generate benefits Partnerships 6 National approach continue Operational objectives Awareness - (Influence Stakeholder) Policy – CARA legislation, NRM structure, scheme etc Science – Nat monitoring & vulnerability assessments Capacity – training & result action to tackle land degradation Financial resources- target fin to increase impact i.e. Fencing, Soil Conservation scheme etc.
MINMECDirector General EPWP NAP MINTECH Letsema NRM Working Group Communities Farmers NGO’s Municipalities International LandCare Network International Conventions (CCD, UNFCCC, CBD, RAMSAR & LADA) Provincial LandCare Forum EPWP Environment & Culture Sector LandCare Secretariat (DAFF) DAFF DWA DEA Public Works etc African LandCare Network
Why the organizational structure… Realise the government support to development of communities through the sustainable use of land. Enhance capability of farmers. Independence on implementing projects. Commitment. To have an impact on understanding & commitment about NRM issues to both urban and farming communities. 8
Spatial distribution of arable land Classes I, II and III
KEY FACTS ABOUT LAND DEGRADATION Compromise functioning & provision of ecosystem services for human well-being. Threatens the livelihoods through reduction of food security, human health and water availability Threatens the development and sustenance of rural economies and associated social development processes essential for the achievement of MDGs including poverty reduction.
LANDCARE 2012/2013 Business Plans (BP) received by the Directorate on the 30 September 2011 BP analyzed, presented during NAP held on Nov 2011 and Adhoc NAP held on the 25 January The approved Provincial BP were consolidated into a National BP. National BP and compliance documents to National Treasury submitted to DG for approval.
LANDCARE 2012/2013…Cont A total of R M is allocated for LandCare that includes R 55M for Fencing scheme. Approved Payment schedule forwarded to all Provinces Workshop conducted at National Treasury regarding the reporting process (2012/2013) and Business Plan (2013/2014).
LANDCARE 2012/2013 FIRST QUARTER PROGRESS Compliance certificates has been submitted by the Provincial Head of Departments. Director General of DAFF signed off compliance certificates. Ten percent (10 %) of the total budget has been transferred by National Treasury to the provinces. LandCare Secretariat has initiated with projects monitoring which is an ongoing process. 13
LANDCARE PROJECTS 2010/ Province Number Of ProjectsActivities Estimated Number Of Jobs To Be Created Eastern Cape 18 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; conservation agriculture and control of erosion 1321 Free State 19 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and conservation agriculture 217 Gauteng 02 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of wetlands 647 Kwazulu-Natal 12 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and conservation agriculture Limpopo 15 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; construction of conservation structures and conservation agriculture Mpumalanga 04 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of water sources. 379 Northern Cape 17 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of water sources. 314 North West 10 Eradication of alien plant species and erection of fence. 451 Western Cape 19 Eradication of alien plant species and erection of fence Total WO
LANDCARE PROJECTS 2011/ Province Number Of ProjectsActivities Estimated Number Of Jobs To Be Created Eastern Cape 15 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; conservation agriculture and control of erosion227 Free State 19 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and conservation agriculture154 Gauteng 03 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of wetlands84 Kwazulu-Natal 11 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and conservation agriculture.260 Limpopo 16 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; construction of conservation structures and conservation agriculture.570 Mpumalanga 04 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of water sources.334 Northern Cape 13 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of water sources.110 North West 07 Eradication of alien plant species and erection of fence.30 Western Cape 27 Eradication of alien plant species and erection of fence.241 Total
LANDCARE PROJECTS 2012/ Province Number Of ProjectsActivities Estimated Number Of Jobs To Be Created Eastern Cape25 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; conservation agriculture; control of erosion and awareness1599 Free State18 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; conservation agriculture; capacity building and awareness.966 Gauteng05 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and rehabilitation of wetlands470 Kwazulu-Natal35 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; conservation agriculture, capacity building and awareness623 Limpopo23 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; construction of conservation structures; conservation agriculture; capacity building and awareness1180 Mpumalanga08 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; rehabilitation of water sources, capacity building and awareness1869 Northern Cape09 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; rehabilitation of water sources and awareness284 North West08 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence; capacity building and awareness258 Western Cape24 Eradication of alien plant species; erection of fence and awareness1196 Total
LANDCARE PAYMENT SCHEDULE 17 DORA PAYMENT SCHEDULES FOR 2012/2013 LandCare: Poverty Relief and Infrastructure Development DoRA Payments Gazetted25 April August October January 2013 Total R' 000 % Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape TOTAL
Land Care Programme Challenges Poor reporting by some of the provincial department on the new reporting system (MIS). No alignment of Natural Resource Management structures by provinces (EC, GP, MP, NW, NC and KZN). Abatement strategy EPWP training has been arranged for all reporting officials Discussions with affected provinces on required alignment processes 18
LandCare impact Alien Control (Imbricate Cactus) Chemical Control of Imbricate Cactus Bush encroachment Availability of grazing after the control
LandCare impact…Cont Awareness and capacity building to LandCare beneficiaries
LandCare impact…Cont Youth Development within LandCare
LandCare impact…Cont No Care LandCare Construction of gabions
LandCare impact…Cont CA (when zero tillage means plenty)
Moving Forward Land Care programme is key for sustainable development as it has major role to play on current use and future availability of natural resources. Protection of land against degradation is most important action to address job creation, food security in a systematic approach to sustainable socially balanced economic development 24
LandCare Financial Report LandCare Financial Report 2011/2012 Pro v DOR A Alloc ation Prov Roll- Overs Total Avail able Province actual paymentTOTAL SPENT % Spent v/s Total allocatio n Q1Q2Q3Q4 April 11 May 11 June 11 July 11 Aug 11 Sept 11 Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12 EC , , FS , , GP , , KZN , , LP , , MP , , NC , , NW , , WC , , TOT AL ,34260, ,
LandCare Financial Report Q1 (April till June) 2012/2013 LAND CARE PROGRAMME GRANT: POVERTY RELIEF AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Province Division of Revenue Act, 2012 (Act No. 5 of 2012) Government Gazette: Other Gazettes Provincial roll-overs Total available Payment Schedule: Year to date Received by province: Year to date Provincial actual payments % Transferred of national allocation % Actual payments of total available Projected outcome for financial year Projected (over)/under R thousand Eastern Cape %0.3% Free State %4.8% Gauteng % KwaZulu- Natal %1.4% (705) Limpopo %4.1% Mpumalanga %3.8% Northern Cape %4.1% North West %0.1% Western Cape %11.0% Total %2.9%