College Essay Final Polish Almost there!
Do you have … Your final copy? Your revised rough draft? Your rubric?
In your groups: Exchange essays in your group. You will read someone else’s essay to your group. All of you will listen while it is being read aloud. When there is a pause/hesitation/stumble ▫Nicely, say “STOP”. ▫This would be a “star” area. ▫Make any corrections/suggestions necessary.
Conventions Pair-Check Check for: ▫Spelling: ▫Put ONE line through the word, look it up on Google (or in the dictionary) and write the corrected spelling. ▫Put ONE line through these words: ▫a lot, really, or very ▫Capitalization: ▫Put a line through the letter and write the capitalized letter next to the word. ▫Punctuation: ▫You should hear this as you read aloud. ▫Make corrections ▫Grammar: ▫You should hear this as you read aloud. ▫Put a star and a suggestion on how to fix it.
Miscellaneous Is the prompt written at the top of the page? Have they used an anecdote? Do they have MLA formatting? (Including the header and correct spacing) If the answer is yes – do not write on the paper. If the answer is no – star and make necessary comments.
Rubric Pair-Check DO NOT WRITE ON THE RUBRIC. WRITE ON THE BACK OF THE ESSAY. Give a score for each area: ▫Explain why ▫Give AT LEAST 1 way to improve his/her score. Remember, no paper is perfect. Writing is never finished, it is only abandoned.
Now what? Take your paper home and make the revisions tonight. You must turn it in to “” by 11:59pm. Bring your final copy and revised rough draft to turn in for grading tomorrow.