COMS W1004 Introduction to Computer Science June 2, 2008
Last Time Intro to programming concepts Java datatypes Your first Java program! Writing to the screen Arithmetic operations Reading from the keyboard CUNIX
Today Comparison operators and Boolean logic Conditionals Random numbers Loops Strings Homework #1 Reading: L&L 3 & 5 (except “green pages”)
Announcements Programming Homework #1 due Weds at the beginning of class (5:30pm) –Online submission only Theory Homework #1 due next Monday at the beginning of class –Paper submission only Office hours –Tuesday 7:30-8:30pm, 122 Mudd (Aditi) –Wednesday 4-5pm, 6LE1 CEPSR (Chris)
Homework #1 Please print out the area for all shapes, not just the largest one For the two circles (part d), you can assume that they are two circles of equal size (i.e. the fencing is cut in half) Be sure to use comments, both at the top of the program and throughout the code
Submitting your homework In the directory where files are, run the following command: ~cs1004/bin/submit hw1 You will need to confirm your submission A “zip” file containing your submission will be placed in the directory – this is your “receipt” Only the last submission will be graded
Extra Credit! First, in your home directory, type: cp.profile.profileOld This creates a backup of your.profile file (assuming you have one!) Now use pico or emacs to edit the file.profile adding the following two lines at the end of the file. Please note the single quotes and the spacing. export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~cdm6/retina/ alias javac='~cdm6/retina/compile'