Public Hearings August 19, 2014
Case: PSP Project: Bishop Planned Development / Bishop Preliminary Subdivision Plan Applicant: Chris Wrenn, KB Home District: 4 Acreage:46.74 gross acres Request: Construction of 114 single-family residential dwelling units Bishop PD / Bishop PSP
Zoning Bishop PD / Bishop PSP
New Condition of Approval 17.The Developer shall be required to relocate, or replace, existing fencing, gates and any other residential accesses as part of the Ward Road reconstruction required for the Bishop PSP. The costs for the relocation or replacement shall be borne by the Developer. Bishop PD / Bishop PSP
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Bishop PD / Bishop Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Bishop PD / Bishop PSP
Public Hearings August 19, 2014