Routines and Procedures for Mrs. Cleveland’s 2 nd Grade Class
Entering the Classroom Handshake at the door Enter quietly, no running or loud talking Breakfast/clean-up (put trash in bag, wipe off your desk) Sharpen two pencils Hang backpack and jacket up Announcements (attention) Pledges (right hand over heart and attention)
Each morning… 1. HuskyJournal 2. Bell work on the board
Attention! Class, I need your attention please. Eyes front! Lips zipped!
Behavior/Homework Folder Check the screen for the plan for the class. Put homework/behavior folder in the folder box. Your parent/care-giver must initial every night and I will check for those initials every morning.
Preparation To Go Home Work until signal to stop Clean your work area Put away supplies Call by tables to get backpacks Pass-out folders/homework Stack chairs Go to carpet for Routines Line up for Dismissal at signal from teacher
Dismissal I will dismiss the class… …not the bell. Please keep working until told to do otherwise!
Classroom Rules 1.Follow directions the first time given. 2.Quiet and eyes to front when teacher is talking. 3.Complete all assignments. 4.Stay seated unless asked to get up. 5.Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Rewards Praise Positive notes home Whole class radio time Fun Friday-outside play/treats (weekly) Movie and popcorn (every 9 weeks) *2 or more marks, lose Fun Friday *3 or more N’s or U’s lose 9 weeks privileges *Names and checks erased daily*
Consequences First Time: Name on board (warning) Second Time: Mark folder Third Time: Lose some recess time Fourth Time: Note home, no recess Fifth Time: Office Referral (loses Fun Friday and 9 weeks privileges)
Hallway Rules Single file line Hands down to your side Walk on the right side of the hallway Quiet Voices Line up on a square Please do not run or yell
Roll Taking Teacher will call out names If present say here For students not here, there should be no answer If tardy, get tardy slip and put in tardy basket If absent, check for missed work and put absent note in the tardy basket
Distributing Papers We pass papers from side-to-side Do not pass papers over your head The person on the end of the table will gather the papers in a pile on his/her desk The person on the end will pass out papers by taking one and passing on the rest
Disaster Drills Fire Drills: Line up quickly and quietly in a single line First person leads out to hallway and down the stairs out to the playground area We do not run!!!! Turn and face the building and wait quietly for the signal to come back in. Walk back in quietly and single file line
Cafeteria Rules 1.Follow the correct traffic flow to table and from table to serving line and to exit. 2.Keep area neat and pick up trash. 3.Soft voices. 4.Stay seated until called. 5.Sit on your bottom. 6.No running.
Bring all materials to class. Please do not sharpen pencils while the teacher is talking! If your pencil breaks during class, raise your hand (pointer finger) and borrow one from the supply counter.
Name, date, class #1 Ms. Cleveland Sept. 2, 2008 Math __________________________
Sit in your assigned seat
Raise your hand… Question or relevant comment… Need supplies… Need to leave the room (washroom or drink—don’t forget to sign out/in)…
Changing classes Single file, quiet as a mouse.
Store your stuff! Sam
Row leaders hand out/collect If someone is absent, please put hand-outs in an Absent Folder on their desk.
Hand in Assignments to Baskets Is your name, date and class on it???? Is it in the right basket???? Math L.A.Social Science Français
Absent? Check… …your file …the board …with the teacher
Late assignments… Oops! D.T.
What to do when finished… 1. 2.
If the teacher is called to the door or the phone… …keep working, or if the teacher was giving instructions… 1. 2.
What’s allowed… Anytime! Only at recess!
What’s not…
Those are the expectations. Don’t worry, we’ll practice until we get them right 100% of the time. Together we’ll learn lots, and have an awesome year!
GIVE ME FIVE Eyes on speaker Quiet Be still Hands free (put things down) Listen