Chapter 13 Section 3 The Work Force
1) Industries grew – had a big _________________ of workers. 2) Most workers faced ___________________ conditions. SUPPLY HORRIBLE
3) Workers: a) worked _________________ shifts b) were _____________ in factories due to __________________, _____________________, ______________________, and ___________________ 12 HOUR UNSAFE MACHINES POOR LIGHTING A LACK OF FRESH AIR ACCIDENTS
c) were sick or sometimes _______ due to pollution d) would lose jobs if they were _______________________ e) lived in ____________________ houses when coal mining f) while living in those towns could only shop at _________________ stores. DIED SICK OR INJURED COMPANY-OWNED
4) Companies hired people at very low ______________. _______________________ were paid far less than men for the same jobs. The ___________________ provided women jobs as secretaries. The ___________________ provided jobs as switchboard operators. WAGES WOMEN AND CHILDREN TYPEWRITER TELEPHONE
Women worked in ________________ mills (cloth), ____________ plants, and factories. Owners hired _____________________ to run machines for $0.10 a day Even though _____________ were created to prevent companies from hiring children, most companies ignored them. TEXTILE FOOD PACKING CHILDREN LAWS
5) For the first time, workers joined _________________________. These were created to help improve ____________________________. They sought ____________________ as well. 6) The _________________________ (1869) fought for worker____________. LABOR UNIONS WORKING CONDITIONS HIGHER PAY KNIGHTS OF LABOR RIGHTS
7) ____________________ started the American Federation of Labor, or the __________. This helped ____________ workers get hired in the “___________” as carpenters, painters, and pipefitters. 8) _________________ broke out! Workers and unions started _________________ in order to improve conditions and would not ____________ until _____________ were met. Company owners would lose ________________. SAMUEL GOMPERS AFL SKILLED TRADES VIOLENCE STRIKES WORKDEMANDS MONEY
9) __________________________ Chicago (1886) - Union went on strike for ________ hour work day. __________________ were attacked by strikers - _____ were killed! ________________ came in the next day and violence broke out – _____ were killed by the end of the strike. HAYMARKET SQUARE 8 WORKERS 2 POLICE OFFICERS 7
10) __________________________, Pennsylvania (1892) Andrew __________________ steel mill manager wanted workers to accept _______________ wages. Workers went on strike and ____________ were sent out to fight the workers. ____________ were killed. HOMESTEAD STRIKE CARNEGIE’s LOWER GUARDS SEVERAL PEOPLE
11) ______________________ (1894) George Pullman’s company made _____________________ cars. He __________ workers’ pay, kept __________ high. _____________________ went on strike throughout the nation. _______________ stopped running. PULLMAN STRIKE RAILROAD CUT RENT RAILROAD WORKERS TRAINS
President _______________________ sent troops to stop the strikers. People were killed and railroad cars were ____________________. 12) 1900 – Due to ________________, labor unions _________ much of their power. CLEVELAND DESTROYED VIOLENCE LOST
Vocabulary American Federation of Labor (AFL) – name of the union led by Samuel Gompers Collective Bargaining – negotiations between groups of people, most commonly a company and the workers scab – a replacement worker