ITEM 6.d Public Hearing and Update on Revised Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance July 8, 2015 City of Oxnard Comments Chris Williamson, Principal Planner Slide 1
Oxnard comments on the Sea Level Rise Guidelines Slide 2 1City supports the final draft and its adoption. 2Consider directly addressing the future of coastal power plant sites “grandfathered” before the Coastal Act. Before sea level rise and climate change Energy companies will try to keep them as long as possible Many changes in power generation, distribution, storage 3. Allow for “urgent” stand-alone LCP amendments that: Address an immediate permit situation Incorporate already certified SLR policies and language In advance of an entire LCP Update in progress 4.Support staff’s working with the Energy Commission to strongly apply the Guidance to CEC decision process.
Oxnard Local Coastal Plan Update Oxnard Local Coastal Plan (LCP) adopted General Plan, Goal CD “An updated Local Coastal Program that includes the restoration of the Ormond Beach wetlands and consideration of climate change issues.” City awarded LCP/SLR grant of $150, Preliminary SLR mapping completed April, 2015 LCP Update work scope approved May, 2015 Request for Proposal issued for consultants May, 2015 Slide 3
Before Oxnard can fully prepare LCP Update: CPUC, CEC, SCE contract for a new Coastal Power Plant Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) A April 8 City’s expert sea level rise testimony filed - May Evidentiary hearing at CPUC - July 15 Local public hearing in Oxnard Energy Commission (CEC) 15-AFC-01 - NRG filed for Application for Certification (AFC) - CEC found AFC application inadequate, June 10 CEC - August 27 local site visit and issue hearing Slide 4 Docket #
Oxnard Local Coastal Plan Update Slide 5 CPUC and CEC process
Slide 6 NRG proposed 262 MW “Puente” project Existing 1959 Mandalay OTC (remains after 2020 Decommissioning) Discharge over beach
50 years of over beach discharge Slide 7
Ormond Beach is Oxnard’s 2 nd OTC sits in the middle of the Ormond Beach Wetlands Coastal Conservancy project Slide 8
Using SLR Guidelines and The Nature Conservancy modeling 2060, new site vulnerable at low sea level rise scenario Slide 9
Help Oxnard Prevent Jurassic Beach ! If approved, Oxnard would have three beachfront power plants How can we ever get rid of the obsolete dinosaurs ? ORMOND BEACH MANDALAY PUENTE (new) Slide 10 End