Our Mission: The Parliament of the World's Religions was created to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world. Our Approach: The Parliament seeks to promote Interreligious harmony, rather than unity. We foster convergence, rather than consensus, enabling appreciative, cooperative relationships. Our work is based on facilitation, rather than formal organizational structures.
The Parliament educates for peace & justice by: Calling people of faith, spirit & goodwill to understand & respect differences Creating cross cultural networks that empower peace & reconciliation Helping participants to identify religious & spiritual responses Sensitizing communities to racial, ethnic and religious violence and providing strategies for defusing tensions
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions Reflection Questions for Break-Out Session: 1.What are some examples that you have seen of religion as a source of healing in your own communities? 2. How has your foundation/ organization worked in collaboration with religion and interfaith?