To describe an action in Spanish that is happening at this very moment, the present progressive tense is used. This tense is formed as follows: Form of the verb Estar estoy,estás,está,estamos estaís,están Present Participle -ar verbs add ando -er/-ir verbs add iendo
Examples Yo estoy escuchando al Sr. Madan ahora. I am listening to Mr. Madan now. ¿Qué estás haciendo ? What are you doing ?
hablar hablando comer comiendo vivirviviendo The present participle is formed by dropping the last two letters from the verb infinitive and adding “ando” for -ar verbs and “iendo” for -er/-ir verbs: tomartomando beber bebiendo escribir escribiendo
leer leyendo creer creyendo traer trayendo construir construyendo There are some irregular forms that use “yendo” in forming their present participles.
Yo estoy practicando. Manuel está practicando. Only the form of estar changes with different subjects. The verbs venir (to come) and ir (to go) are not typically used in this tense.
Juan mira la téle. Juan está mirando la téle. Juan is watching t.v. This tense corresponds to the English “ing” form. The same meaning can also be expressed by using the Present Tense.