Don’t Try, DO! Leveraging the Chaos of the Digital Classroom Sam Morris, Global Education Solutions Architect
Nothing could be more absurd than an experiment in which computers are placed in a classroom where nothing else is changed. Seymour Papert,1993
Technology Is Not The Transformation Innovation Sustaining Substitution Redefinition Remembering Creating Makerspace PBL Big Data Adaptive Learning Programming Online Assessment Student Choice Combining Blooms and SAMR in one visual is a way for schools to quantify their use of technology. Technology can only be considered transformative if we leverage it to drive innovations within the Blue section. Until recently most of the technology applications have been in the Yellow. Digital Media eBooks Apps (trivial) Khan Academy Digital Projects IWBs
Classroom Orchestration The role of an involved teacher managing multiple student requirements and multiple technology tools can invoke the role of an orchestra conductor. “Active learning spaces support collaboration and interaction… Create the most effective adaptable learning environments to meet the evolving needs of students and educators.”
The New Roles of the Digital Teacher The teacher’s job description becomes increasingly complex as they learn new tools and skills and juggle additional responsibilities. Personalizing the student experience Managing the digital classroom Delivering 21st century lesson Managing materials in the cloud Analyzing student data Engaging students in the digital medium Planning for deep learning Assessing and reporting student progress Setting students up for success on online tests Designing flexible learning spaces for all modalities Communicating with stakeholders Continuing professional learning