Kaltura Video: Stream-lining Integration Thomas Scherz
Why am I exploring Kaltura? Kaltura is a hosted video streaming service. Kaltura streams various flavors of a digital master video. Kaltura is integrated into our current courseware. (Blackboard) Faculty are creating content directly into Kaltura. We want faculty to deposit the digital master in our IR.
KAF or API? The KAF is constructed of modules that provide a packaged workflow and functionalities that can be easily embedded in another application as an iFrame tanding-kaltura-application- framework-kaf The Kaltura web services layer exposes Kaltura server APIs to web applications through a standard HTTP POST/GET URL encoded requests structure. Client libraries implement the actual calls to the Kaltura server APIs.
Testing Tools demo.kaf.kaltura.com/kaftestme/index/index
Gems and Libraries
Scholar Integration ature/%23308_Kaltura
Next steps Deeper dive on KAF and Client Libraries Strategies for handling large files –Download location –Redis workers –Fedora Ingestion