Digital Learning……. made simple An easy introduction to the FELTAG recommendations
Inclusive Personally dependent on technology for accessibility In a role where learners benefit from the use of technology Help to encourage less confident staff to consider a range of tech tools and options
Concept behind making the videos Very little on YouTube at entry level Aimed mainly at managers/policy makers Many of the materials quite technical Need for teacher/support staff resources
Approach Short Simple Showcasing tools that staff could use Signposting to FE practitioners/Colleges
FELTAG Overview A short history and overview Where to find help Real world examples
Getting started with FELTAG Access learner voice Working with others Tools and approaches
FELTAG in the Curriculum Teacher focused Pointer for initial steps Encouraging blended learning
Encouraging and Supporting Digital Leaders Identifying digital leaders Accessing learner voice Implementing support
Sign-posting Teacher Educators Aimed at Teacher Training courses Incorporating pedagogy Encouraging online networks and collaboration
Developing Learning Support Staff Student learning need focused Aimed at FE support staff CPD oriented Sign-posting to existing resources or practitioners
Tried and Tested Tools Used in a variety of curriculum areas Majority of learners have learning difficulties or disabilities
Going forward Videos featuring staff from different colleges More learner perspective An area for sharing resources across colleges Focus on 'lower end' staff