Greece Philosophy and Culture 5-3 & 5-5
Objectives Students will be able to: Explain the contributions of the early philosophers Draw Plato’s vision of The Republic Discuss the important contributions in culture, academics and art
Question of the day What is the meaning of life? Why were we placed here on earth? What is our purpose?
Philosophers: Socrates Who was his teacher? Himself What were his beliefs? To question yourself and your moral character Think about your values and morals What were his famous sayings? “[An] unexamined life is not worth living” “This is only one good, knowledge, one evil, ignorance”
Philosophers: Plato Who was his teacher? Socrates What were his beliefs? All citizens fall into three groups Farmers and artisans, warriors, and ruling class What were his famous sayings? “philosophy begins with wonder”
Philosophers: Aristotle Who was his teacher? Plato What were his beliefs? Argue the rules of logic Had the basis of scientific method What were his famous sayings? “He who studies how things originated and came into being…will achieve the clearest view of them”
Allegory of the Cave Listen to the story and draw what you picture in your mind.
Greek Culture Museums Zoos Gardens Halls Libraries Statues of Gods
Astronomy Aristarchus Believed that the sun was 300x larger than Earth Planets revolved around the sun Most Greeks believed Sun was smaller than Greece All planets revolve around earth
Math – Geometry Euclid – Proofs, Theories Archimedes – Pi (Circumference of a circle to its diameter) Invented lever, and compound pulley Screw – raised water from ground Catapult - weapon
Art Realistic, emotional works of ordinary things and people Colossus of Rhodes One of the seven wonders of the world Destroyed after an earthquake Winged Victory of Samothrace