The Wonders of the Universe By Joseph Cornielle 6o6
What is the universe All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years. The universe contains all types of planets and stars why ? To build a planet you need lots of rubble and that means lots of heavy elements – stuff more massive than atoms of hydrogen and helium. The elemental composition of the collapsing nebula that gave birth to the Sun and the planets of the Solar System included things like iron, silicon and magnesium that form the bulk of rocky planets, and carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, potassium and other such elements that are essential for life.
Why is the universe so limited to us ? The universe is so limited because everyday the universe expands and there is no end to it and there is also to many things the human brain can take up. Why is it still unknown were the first cells came from ? There are many theories why the first cells are unknown to us not even the big bang can show evidence that the first cells come from that. Also many scientist say with the first cells we will learn more about the universe.
What are galaxies and why are they galaxies ? A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction. Why is the milky way called the milky way ? The milky way is called the milky way because no one really named it until somebody called It that and it caught on and then it became an official name.