Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Caroline Wetterauw & Martha Harris
Symptoms And Organs Affected Main Symptoms Coughing Exercise intolerance Reoccurring phnemonia Chronic diarrhea Lung infection Mailnutrition Weight loss Majorly Affected Organs Lungs Pancreas Skin Liver
Frequency Thirty thousand Americans have CF One in every two thousand Americans have CF One in twenty-five Caucasians are carriers Cystis Fibrosis is rarley seen in Asian, Jewish and African American races. It is more frequent and popolar in Western Europe from Irealnd the UK and France. A lot of the time lung disorders are associated with clubbing of the fingers and about 75 of 100 patients with CF have clubbed fingers. Fingers in CF patients
How It Is Inherited CF is a recessive mutation on the 7th chromosome. Being a recessive allele if two carrier parents have the gene it is a 25% chance that they will have a child with CF. It is a 25% chance that they will have a child that is totaly uneffectd and a 50% chance that they will have a carrier child.
Diagnosis Tests are run on the lung function and a stool sample. Also, the sweat from the effected person is tested to check the salt content. Cystic Fibrosis lungs Normal lungs Newborns are tested for the protien trypsinogen in the blood. The level of theis protein is higher when the patient has CF. The CFTR gene is seen in infants blood samples.
Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis Treatments include Inhailing antibiotics to kill bacteria that cause lung infection Using bronchodilators that keep airways open Chest therapy where the patient is clapped on the back to free up mucus in the lungs
Finding a Cure There is no official cure. Gene therapy (currently in clinical trials) in which the healthy CFTR gene is injected into the lung cells of a patient to fix the mutated gene.
Works Consulted "Cystic Fibrosis." Encyclopedia of Genetics Revised Edition. Ed. Jeffrey A, Knight, Ph.D. Vol. 1. Pasaclena, CA: Salem Press, Cystic Fibrosis. New York: William Morrow and Company, "Cystic Fibrosis." What are Genetic Disorders? Learn Genetics. 28 Jan Giddings, Sharon. Cystic Fibrosis. New York: Infobase Publishing, Sayre, Carolyn. "A Brighter Look for Cystic Fibrosis Patients." Science. 24 Apr The New York TImes. 28 Jan Pictures: pulmonar/cxr/ atlas/images/