¡Buenos días! Hoy es el 26 de agosto. Trabajo del timbre: 1. Pongan la tarea en tus pupitres. (Put your HW on your desk.) 2. Saquen la hoja de los números (blue sheet). 3. Practiquen los números. (Practice learning/reviewing #s by doing the tiered activities with a partner at your desk). Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria We’re learning to… start, maintain & end conversations in both formal & informal registers comprehend the essential vocabulary: numbers in Spanish understand our long & short-term goals & how to progress as a Spanish student We’ll know we’re successful when we can… recognize, select, and complete the appropriate tiered activities for our personal levelsparticipate actively in the tiered activities, circle conversation, & HW review discuss the standards, assessment criteria & Unidad 1 goals & reflect on our work
“Tiered Activities” Actividades con tu nivel apropiada Look at your personal learning goals. Discuss the appropriate tier to begin working with your partner. Participate equally and adjust levels (going both up and down) as needed to provide an appropriate challenge for each student..
La práctica Saquen las tablas blancas, marcadores, y toallas. Escuchen a la profe – “1” “23” “100” “56”, etc. Escriban la letra/palabra en la tabla blanca. Levanten cuando escuchen “Levanten las en 3-2-1”.
Repaso de la tarea Saquen la tarea (la hoja p. 1 & 2) Repasen en grupos por dos minutos – Basic conversations – Concept of register – Logical order of ideas – Numbers
Un Círculo de conversación I will give each student a letter – A or B! Remember it! I will count down from 20 and expect all students are in the outside or inside circle across from another student. We will form 2 circles around the classroom – one outside (afuera - A) and one inside (adrentro - B) You will have a conversation with the person until you hear me say: ¡Muévase! ¡Muévase en 3-2-1! The INSIDE circle will move one person to the right. The outside will stay put & a new conversation will start!
Las metas de las clase de español What types of things have we learned so far? Why do you think we’re learning these things and doing the activities we’ve been doing? What do you think our goals are in the class for this school year? What do you think our goals are for this particular unit?
Para tener éxito…. To be successful… Big Picture (Long-Term Goals) – Standards for learning a language – Assessment of learning of a language Little Picture (Short-Term Goals) – Unit plan – “I can…” statements & personal reflection – Individual practice & evidence
Los líderes “Necesito los líderes de… (el país)” Those students grab only the folders for your class section. The class has three minutes to: – Get the folders – Give the folders to each table pod – Take out graded work & make sure you have your own – Pick the folders back up and put in the cart – Return to seats.
La reflexión Record your grades on your Spanish 1 Portfolio. Put your evidence in your binder in Unidad 1. Reflect in two ways independently & thoughtfully: Open to your unit “I can…” statements. Read through each statement & adjust to show progress. Record reflections on your exit slip in either part (successes and/or areas to improve)