The Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) challenge Designed to reinvest in NHS services (but not hospitals) £15-20bn across the country by 2016 £200m in Teesside
“The efficiency savings generated through the QIPP process will all be reinvested in frontline care, helping the NHS to meet future cost pressures. This will enable us to cope with rising costs, to meet additional demand, to fund new treatments and NICE- approved drugs and to invest in improving services, for example by rapidly expanding the number of health visitors.” NHS Deputy Chief Executive David Flory
What this means locally £40m in North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust £69m for South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust £25m for Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Our financial outlook
Where the money comes from
Where the money goes
Points to consider We can only provide what our commissioners want to buy The government policy of any qualified provider may threaten our income base further The new hospital is part of the solution, not the problem
How will we do this? Transform services and reduce beds (and engage with stakeholders about how best to do this) Management review and further back room efficiencies Pay restraint Use energy wisely Build the new hospital Bring in more income Create jobs through strategic partnerships Gather ideas from staff, assess and action them
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