1 Public Meeting Regarding US Steel’s Gary Work NPDES Permit Renewal September 26, 2007 IN Department of Environmental Management
2 IDEM’s Mission IDEM is responsible for protecting human health and the environment while providing for safe industrial, agricultural, commercial and governmental operations vital to a prosperous economy.
3 How Does IDEM Protect the Environment? Measure the air, water and land to determine the existing state of the environment Compare the measured values to levels that protect human health and the environment Ambient Air Quality Standards Water Quality Standards Remediation of contaminated sites Use modeling to determine how much of a substance can be safely added to the environment
4 How Does IDEM Protect the Environment? Develop regulations and issue permits to restrict discharges to the environment to safe levels Inspect and monitor permitted facilities to ensure compliance with the permits Enforce against people who exceed their permit levels or violate regulations Educate people on their environmental responsibilities
5 Need for a Permit Every facility that discharges into surface waters is required to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Issuance of the US Steel permit is part of an ongoing process to renew and update all NPDES permits to meet new, more stringent state and federal requirements.
IC Administratively Extended Permits Wastewater Permits: October 2005 September 2007 Total26328 Major6711 Minor19617 Total permit days303,000 52,000
7 Major Administratively Extended Industrial Permits US Steel Gary Works US Steel Midwest Division (Portage) Arcelor Mittal Indiana Harbor West (LTV) Arcelor Mittal Indiana Harbor East (Inland) Arcelor Mittal Burns Harbor (Bethlehem) Roll Coater (Kingsbury) General Electric Plastics (Mt. Vernon) Neals Landfill (Bloomington)
8 Permit Limits, Requirements Permit limits are set to meet: Water quality standards to protect aquatic life, drinking water and recreation Technology standards consistently applied each type of industry Permits also contain requirements such as: Whole effluent toxicity testing If the applicant meets all legal and regulatory requirements, the permit must be issued.
9 US Steel NPDES Permit -- Mercury The permit restricts US Steel’s discharge to the Great Lakes Water Quality Limit of 1.3 parts per trillion. As allowed by law, US Steel has up to five years to meet this standard. US Steel, like all other existing dischargers to the Great Lakes is eligible to apply for a variance from the final mercury discharge limits if they demonstrate that the limits are currently unachievable.
10 Rules of Order Please fill out a card including your name and address so we can properly recognize your comments We will add your comments to the formal record Please state your name and limit your question or comment to 5 minutes or less We will attempt to hear from everyone in the time allotted