Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs
Construction Construction design has officially come back from architect. It is the same design I presented last meeting. Student Affairs is figuring out how to finance it as it costs more than expected.
Computers in Havener Partnering with IT to place computers in Havener. IT could not confidently use the new Thin Client Pilot Program in Havener, but they are working with us on a temporary fix until the program will be ready. Will be cycling out computers in current CLCs and placing them into the Park Lounge. Once we get the official go ahead, we will begin prepping the space.
Involving Students Chancellor Search Committee Dr. Gragg came again to speak about the process. Campus Climate Assessment Setting up survey and possible open forum to get more student input before consultant comes on October 6 Had first meeting on Tuesday Getting more speakers at Student Council meetings
RSO Survey Working on Survey for Organizations Presidents to get a better idea of what resources they know and what they need With results, we hope to publicize more resources and make available necessary ones Has been completed, but still needs to be entered into a survey.
Student Interest Survey Used to be a yearly survey, but last year has become a semesterly survey. We are in the writing stage right now. We are working with other departments and organizations to make sure we ask the best and most relevant questions. Will be going out at the beginning of November I will be presenting the results once they have been compiled.
Others The Open Forum will take place on October 25. This is where the students will have their say on the Student Activity Fee. Publicizing the newly student adopted Honor Code