Phishing Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishtank: An web based solution to validate a site. -
Phishtank Functionality -Verify a site -Search a phishing site from existing list -Add a site into the phishing list
Keyloggers Definition: “A keylogger is something that records keystrokes made on a computer. It captures every key pressed on the keyboard and stores it down in a file or memory bank that can be viewed by the person performing the monitoring in real-time, or at a later date.” [1] There are two types of keylogger: hardware keylogger and software keylogger [1]
Hardware Keylogger Three types [1]: Inline devices that are attached to the keyboard cable Devices which can be installed inside standard keyboards Actual replacement keyboards that contain the key logger already built- in It only can be discovered by people and removed physically
Software Keylogger Actual keylogger( It records: Which applications are run and closed All keystrokes pressed (keystroke logger) All content copied to the clipboard All print activity Any disk changes Any Internet connections made, and all websites visited Startup/shutdown operations
Actual Keylogger generates: Screen captures for a set time period Encrypted log files for all activity Reports in text and html format