Storm Water Funding Leslie Laudon Assistant Deputy Director Division of Financial Assistance State Water Resources Control Board (916) February 16, 2016
Presentation Outline SB 985 – Storm Water Resource Planning Grant Programs – SWRCB’s Prop 1 Storm Water Grant Program – DWR IRWM Program – Prop 1 Chapter 6 - Conservancies Loan Programs – Clean Water State Revolving Fund Prop 218 requirements Benefit Assessment Districts STORMS – Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Storm Water Q&A
Senate Bill 985 Storm Water Resource Planning Amends Water Code Section and Section I - Guidelines Water Code Section et seq. Recognizes storm water as a resource Emphasizes multiple benefit storm water projects Requires public agencies to develop a storm water resource plan prior to receiving bond funding Emphasizes use of publicly owned lands to capture and reuse storm water State Water Board adopted Guidelines December 15, 2015
Guidelines Provide Guidance on: Watershed Description Coordination and Collaboration During Plan Development Prioritizing by Multiple Benefits Metrics-based Analysis Data Collection and Management Prioritization of Projects in the Plan Plan Implementation Public Participation for Plan Implementation 4
Recognition of Existing Planning and Monitoring Efforts A Plan may build off of an existing plan(s) A Plan does not have to be referred to as a “Storm Water Resource Plan” A Storm Water Resource Plan must be submitted to the applicable IRWM which shall incorporate it into the IRWM Plan 5 Water Code section 10562(c)
Prop 1 Storm Water Grant Program $20 M for planning grants ~ $1 million for technical assistance to DACs/EDAs for implementation grants $166 M for multi- benefit implementation grants ~ $25 M in additional funding (ASBS Compliance and Clean Beaches Projects) $200 M for grants for multi-benefit stormwater management projects.