+ Office Productivity Tools EDTC 5103 Carolyn Lau
+ Hypothesis Younger faculty are more prepare to teach online than older faculty. Younger faculty (independent variable) are more likely to use LMS features (dependant variables) than older faculty in online courses.
+ Distribution The survey was created with Google Forms ( ok86C7MeJmbd6mQ-CtPTBZNwY/viewform) ok86C7MeJmbd6mQ-CtPTBZNwY/viewform sent with survey link to 30 participants. Only received 24 responses. All participants are currently faculty members in a university.
+ 12 Questions Five questions based on the scale of (1)to a great extent, (2)somewhat, (3)very Little, (4) not at all Do you consider yourself a technology savvy person? Do you feel comfortable using the university’s current learning management system; D2L? Do you use the D2L gradebook feature in your courses? Do you use the D2L assessment features (dropbox, quizzes, rubrics) in your courses? Do you use the D2L discussions in your courses?
+ Questions Two questions based on the scale of (1)yes, (2)no Do you have formal training to teach online? (e.g. certificate, workshops) Have you used a learning management system before? Five additional questions for demographics and general purposes What is your gender? I was born in (country only) – textbox What is your age group? What is the highest degree you have completed? How many years of experience do you have in teaching?
+ What is your gender?
+ I was born in….
+ What is your age?
+ What is the highest degree you have completed?
+ How many years of experience do you have in teaching?
+ Do you have formal training to teach online?
+ Do you consider yourself a technology savvy person?
+ Have you used a Learning Management System (LMS) before?
+ Do you feel comfortable using the university's current Learning Management; D2L?
+ Do you use D2L gradebook feature in your course?
+ Do you use the D2L assessment features (dropbox, quizzes, rubrics) in your course?
+ Do you use the D2L discussions in your course?
+ Findings… Age groupsPossible findings on using D2L features 35 – 44Most users 45 – 54Average users 55 – 64Average users 65 and aboveLeast users