Please get something to write with. Your desk should be clear of EVERYTHING GET READY! ARGUMENT QUIZ
Get a separate piece of paper Keep your vocab notes somewhere SAFE! You WILL be quizzed on these words and need to study independently. Don’t be shy – if you need a space to keep English stuff – please let me know. No shame in asking ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING VOCAB
WordDefinition ClaimThe position being argued; the conclusion of the argument ReasonWhy the writer believes the claim he or she makes Evidence/SupportSupports or upholds the claim – types of evidence: anecdotes (personal examples or stories), commonly accepted beliefs (ideas that most people share), examples (specific instances), expert opinion, facts (that which can be proven true – statistics or other data) WarrantExplanation or analysis of the evidence; justifies, sanctions, validates the evidence CounterclaimThe opposition’s position ConcessionThe acknowledgement of the oppositions evidence or reasoning RebuttalThe argument against the oppositions evidence (argument against the counterclaim acknowledged)
WordDefinition Urge for Acceptance/ Call to Action Restates the claim and specifically calls for action. Urges acceptance of the claim. Presents one or two sentences summarizing the reasons/evidence Provides a general warning of the consequences if the claim is not followed and/or a general statement of how the reader will benefit from accepting the claim. RhetoricThe art or skill of speaking or writing formally and effectively especially as a way to persuade or influence people FallacyFaulty, misleading, or unsound argument A failure in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. CredibilityThe quality of being trusted and believed in SourceA place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained; origin Qualitative Evidence Descriptive information, which often comes from interviews, focus groups or artistic depictions such as photographs. Quantitative Evidence Numerical or statistical information (data), which often comes from surveys, surveillance or from administration records.