3D Imaging Software Brad Boldizar, Aubrey McKelvey, and Mackenzie Thomas Advised by: Dr. Paul King Matt Moore
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Our Aims Physicians will be equipped with a light box in which they place the foam mold. The light box will be used to capture a digital image of the foam mold in grayscale intensity. Physicians will electronically transfer the data to Sole Supports. Sole Supports will convert this 2D + intensity data to 3D. Our specific goals: Light box construction to capture image LabView VI to determine pixel position (x, y) and intensity (z).
Group Objectives Create the light box Scanner vs. digital camera Scanner attempts: HP 5550c Bed too short Okay contrast Lexmark X83 Longer Better contrast Design software LabView IMAQ Vision
LabView Program Straightforward design Simple approach Compiled into a distributable executable file
LabView Program
Past Work Visited Sole Supports Obtained appropriate/compatible LabView Software, including IMAQ Vision Researched LabView’s help resources to determine extrapolation procedures Tested two scanners for their ability to create appropriate image Completed programming to extrapolate numerical data from sample grayscale image
Current Work Testing different images obtained from scan beds and digital cameras with the program created Discussing with Matt Moore how to coordinate our program with Sole Supports’ RHINO software Begin thinking about light box options
Future Work Decide on image-capturing device Scanner or camera? Ease, resolution (accuracy) Create light box, if necessary Test light box. Coordinate our LabView program with Sole Supports’ RHINO software Implement our program in conjunction with RHINO to make real foot molds (test it)
Timeline January 27: Have tested both scanner and camera images with LabView program. Decide definitely on camera/scanner solution. February 3: Rough draft of light box design begun (if necessary). February 10: Have visited Sole Supports to implement LabView program with RHINO. February 10-March 5: Continue to work out kinks in program/de-bug. March 5: Camera/scanner is connected to computer. (Light Box finished.) Begin testing. April 5: Begin work on final paper and presentation for Design Day.