Integrating ecosystem- and community-based adaptation Hausner Wendo
Adaptation is critical for the Global South DEPENDENCE ON CLIMATE- SENSITIVE NATURAL CAPITAL VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE RELATED DISASTER RISKS LOW INCOME/ POVERTY Build community coping capacity and resilience CCA must explicitly address vulnerabilities to observed or projected changes in climate or climate-variability
Community-based Adaptation (CBA) Puts community members at the centre of adaptation planning, enabling them to identify their own needs, set priorities, and find solutions based on their own knowledge and capacities. A key focus here is to empower communities to adapt. community is leading the process and making decisions on how to adapt
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Focuses on protecting and strengthening biodiversity and ecosystem services as a key adaptation strategy. The emphasis is thus on ensuring the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems that people depend on. MUST use nature or ecosystem services to help people adapt
Need for Integration
Example 1: Community Based Natural Resource Management Approach (Southern Africa) CBNRM: Systems developed over the past three decades to enable communities to control and benefit from local wildlife, forests, water and other resources.
Elements of CBNRM Sustainable use Devolution of management decisions from government to local institutions Collective control and legal rights over resources Economic incentives that enhance the value of resources to communities that conserve them
Example 2: EcoAdapt – Model Forest approach (South America)
Local Example: Tana Delta C/O. WIKO
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