1 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop STATUS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF COMPASS RICH-1 on-line image from RICH-1 event display INSTITUTIONS: Trieste, INFN and University, ICTP Turin, INFN and University Bielefeld, University CERN support OUTLINE: RICH-1 in COMPASS recall the main characteristiucs (4 talks in Pylos !) (4 talks in Pylos !) hardware news detector performances S. Dalla Torre S. Dalla Torre INFN – TRIESTE on behalf of the COMPASS RICH group Playa del Carmen, 30/11-6/12/ th RICH Workshop
2 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop With the muon beam * Gluon Polarization G/G transverse spin distribution functions T q (x) Flavor dependent polarized quark helicity densities q(x) physics Diffractive VM-Production * Data collected COMPASS With hadron beams Primakoff-Reactions * -polarizability of and K glueballs and hybrids charmed mesons and baryons -semi-leptonic decays -double-charmed baryons understanding the non-perturbative physics of the nucleon
3 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop SM1 dipole SM2 dipole Polarised Target HCAL1 Muon-filter1,MW1 Micromegas,DC,SciFi Gems,SciFi,DCs,straws MWPC Gems Scifi trigger-hodoscopes Silicon COMPASS SPECTROMETER COMPASS SPECTROMETER RICH_1 BMS Gem_11 ECAL2,HCAL2 straws,MWPC,Gems,SciFi straws Muon-filter2,MW2 DW45 SciFi Veto Beam: 160 GeV µ µ/spill (4.8 s/16.2s) P ~ 80%
4 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop COMPASS RICH-1 - DESIGN from the experiment design: hadron PID up to ~50 GeV/c LARGE acceptance (large size): H: 500 mrad H: 500 mrad V: 400 mrad V: 400 mrad able to stand trigger rates up to 100 KHz up to 100 KHz beam rate up to 10 8 Hz minimize material + detector designed in 1996 radiator: C 4 F 10 5 m 6 m 3 m photondetectors: CsI MWPC mirrorwall vessel radiator: C 4 F 10 detection of VUV photons ( nm)
5 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PHOTON DETECTION photon detectors (PD) : 5.3 m 2 MWPCs (8 chambers) with CsI photocathoderead-out: 84,000 analog read-out ch.s with extended local intelligence MWPCs with CsI photocathodes 2 CsI photocathodes, 60 x 60 cm 2 each
6 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop photocathodestoring glove box to handlephotocathodes photocathodetransportationsystem MWPCs WITH LARGE SIZE PHOTOCATHODES, COMPASS EXPERIENCE CsI: hygroscopic, water degrades QE never never exposed to air (max 50 ppm O 2, routinely: 10 ppm) marble table with x,y movement and microscope to solde anode wire and for dimensional checks (gaps, planarity within 100 m)
7 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PHOTON DETECTORs behaviour in the experiment PHOTON DETECTORs behaviour in the experiment wire defect, diameter 20 m some PDs exhibit electrical instabilities when exposed to radioactive rates (*), LONG RECOVERY TIME ! (~ 1 d) Instabilities related to – local tiny defects good PDs / good PDs / , 2004 – segmented HV supply: 97% MWPC surface good 97% MWPC surface good (*) with beams : MIP flux : ~ 5 x 10 5 / s / m 2 (similar for all PDs) MIP flux : ~ 5 x 10 5 / s / m 2 (similar for all PDs) ph. flux : up to 3 x 10 5 / s / cm 2 ph. flux : up to 3 x 10 5 / s / cm 2
8 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop RICH-1 mirror system ‘VUV mirror wall’, 21 m 2,116 mirrors radius: 6.6 m average on 126 mirror units at production 2000 COATING reflectance wave length reflectance stable in time
9 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop MIRROR WALL MECHANICS: light, stiff and adjustable mirror wall mechanics, assembled the elements of this modular structure mirror wall mechanics,assembling assembly jig mirror rear side individual mirror support regulation for angular alignment, 2 orthog. movements THICKNESS mechanics: 2.5 % X 0 mirrors ~5.5 % X 0 STABILITY: after an initial deformation ~1 mrad, stable: 0.1 mrad over ~ 3.5 y
10 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop Gas System for: P constant +/- 0.1 mbar P constant +/- 0.1 mbar to limit P on - vessel windows to limit P on - vessel windows quartz plates quartz plates He beam pipe He beam pipe gas filtering (remove H 2 O, O 2 ) gas filtering (remove H 2 O, O 2 ) filling with / recovering C 4 F 10 filling with / recovering C 4 F 10 RICH-1 C 4 F 10 GAS SYSTEM PLC and electricalinstallation compressors filters liquidstoragetank liquifier vessel
11 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PRESENT (>2002) GAS PERFORMANCES gas (atm. P) leak rate = 90 l/d extremely reduced leak rate vessel volume ~ 85 m 3 total o-rings : ~ 100 m very good transparency (better than design) -gas cleaning, see O. Ullaland’s talk -on-line filters, separate functions: -Cu catalyst, ~ 40 0 C for O 2 -5A molecular sieve, ~ 10 0 C for H 2 O transmission through 1,87 m, corresponding to: H 2 O: ~1 ppm, O 2: ~3 ppm typical wavelength (nm) transmission C 4 F 10 : N2 = 95 : 5 stabile !
12 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PREDICTING ON-LINE (n-1) [(n-1) meas – (n-1) cal ] / (n-1) (n-1) cal from measured P, T continuous line (n-1) meas from off-line data analysis red dots prediction at ‰ level to allow quasi-online data processing, a must: COMPASS data rate = 3 TB/day
13 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop RICH-1 RAW INFORMATION an event, calibration run low intensity: 10 7 /sec an event, standard run nominal intensity: 4 x10 7 /sec
14 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop RICH-1 CENTRAL REGION Distance from Beam (mm) Efficiency Monitor PID efficiency fromMonteCarlo (beam halo off) 2 combinated effects: - beam halo - central dead zones - central dead zones all dead zones only photon detector dead zones photons generated by the beam halo overlap of event images
15 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop “SINGLE PHOTON” PERFORMANCES hit (mrad) ring (mrad) all particles selecting particles according to polar angle and producing ring slices information on: resolution resolution number of detected photons number of detected photons background background example
16 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop NUMBER OF PHOTONS n. of ph.s background rings with < 5 ph.s not reconstructed not reconstructed fit above 36 mrad adding up regions 3-6 particle <30 mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad
17 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop IS THE NUMBER OF PHOTONS UNDERSTOOD ? Very low beam intensity ~ 4 10 6 /spill threshold at 3 HV = 2000 V eff. N ph ~ 21 expected: 22 =6.3 =6.5 = = ring centres of the selected particles
18 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop RICH-1 RESOLUTION measured from reconstructed rings RING (mrad) COMPARISON OF RING RESOLUTION DIRECTLY MEASURED (reconstructed rings) AND CALCULATED FROM SINGLE PHOTON RESOLUTION: FULL DETECTOR UNDERSTANDING single photon resolution photon (mrad) p (GeV/c) ring resolution calculated from single photon resolution particle (mrad) 2.5 /K sep. up to 40 GeV/c
19 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PID with COMPASS RICH-1 K p particle > 25 mrad p (GeV/c) > p thr (K) + 2 GeV/c
20 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop PID EFFICIENCY ± from K s decays p> thr. (= on average 0 photons ) p> thr GeV/c (=on av. 5 det. ph.s) p> thr GeV/c (=on av.8 det. ph.s) p> thr. + 2 GeV/c (=in m. 10 det. ph.s) 0-30 mrad = = 12.4 GeV/c = = 9.3 GeV/c = 7.1GeV/c = 7.1GeV/c = = 5.8 GeV/c = = 4.9 GeV/c = = 4.3 GeV/c mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad MOMENTUM SPECTRA IN particle BINS particle (mrad) EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY
21 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop K ± from decay (sample purity: 84% ) p> thr GeV/c (= on av. 5 det. ph.s) (= on av. 5 det. ph.s) EFFICIENCY, learning curve ± da decadimenti K s (sample purity: 94% ) p> thr GeV/c (= on av. 5 det. ph.s) (= on av. 5 det. ph.s) software upgrade particle (mrad) EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY particle (mrad) EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY PD stabilit y gasquality
22 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop 2002 : S eff (*) = 151 (8) 2003: S eff = 674 (17) (*) S eff =S/(1+B/S) A remarkable example: G/G open charm-signal D 0 & D 0 without microvertex detector RICH-1 in COMPASS PHYSICS 2002 2003 (2004) S eff /day * 4.9 Preliminary
23 Silvia DALLA TORRE Playa del Carmen, 30/11-5/12/ th RICH Workshop CONCLUSIVE REMARKS COMPASS RICH-1 is fully operative plateau performances since 2003 COMPASS RICH-1 designed ~ mid 90’s challenging requirements concerning transversal size and rates (beam, trigger) large size VUV gas RICH limitations for the operation of large size CsI photocathodes coupled to gas detectors in radioactive environments have been encountered “single photon” resolution is satisfactory (~ parameter design) “ring resolution” limited by physical background ring resolution allows 2.5 / K separation up to 40 GeV/c central for COMPASS physics (demonstrated in polarized DIP)