Overview of TMA Data grabs: For ALL Year groups * Only years 7-10 Month Date Collected Date Reported Home OctoberFriday 12thFriday 19th DecemberFriday 7thFriday 14th FebruaryFriday 1 st Friday 8th MarchFriday 22ndFriday 29th MayFriday 10 th Friday 17th July *Friday 5 th Friday 12th
Overview of TMA Review Day: – February 5 th Parents’ Evenings: – Year 1130 th October – Year 1020 th November – Year 94 th December – Year 8 30 th April – Year 7 16 th April
Report layout Name & Form Subjects Agreed Targets Tracking predictions Attitude to learning (Average Effort Grade) Attendance to date
KS3 – Expected Progress By the end of KS3, students are expected to have made 2 whole levels of progress. For English and Maths, this is from their KS2 SAT. For other subjects, targets are set from baseline tests completed in the first half term of Year 7. Levels recorded at the data grab are ‘working at’ levels – this is based on their performance across all areas of the subject and not just on their last assessment. Levels are recorded as being A, B or C. This means that if a student is 5C, they are working at the bottom of a Level 5 and we would then expect to see progress being made towards gaining a B or an A in this level over a number of data grabs. It is not the case that we would expect to see levels go up every 6 weeks.
KS4 – Expected progress Teacher predictions recorded each half-term These predictions are what each teacher believes a student will achieve at the end of their GCSE course – based on assessments, effort & attitude For some students and some subjects, there may be little or no change – particularly if students are performing well
Effort/Attitude to Learning Grades GradeDescription 5 OUTSTANDING Your effort is outstanding. You take charge of your own learning and help others to learn too. 4 GOOD - the minimum expectation You are consistently engaged in trying to learn. 3 COASTING Your effort is inconsistent and you are not taking enough responsibility for your own learning. 2 POOR There are times when your behaviour disrupts your own learning and the learning of others. 1 UNACCEPTABLE Your behaviour stops you from learning and others from learning; as a result you have been removed from the teaching group.