US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May 16-18 2001Page 1 EUMETSAT Status Report Simon Elliott EUMETSAT Operations Department


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Presentation transcript:

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 1 EUMETSAT Status Report Simon Elliott EUMETSAT Operations Department

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 2 EUMETSAT Status Report Spacecraft status Missions New products Product distribution Future product plans Future programs status

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 3 Spacecraft Status Meteosat-7 –0° E –Prime mission spacecraft since 3 June :00 UTC Meteosat-6 –10° W –Standby spacecraft Meteosat-5 –63°E –INDOEX/IODC mission spacecraft since July :00 UTC

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 4 Prime mission (0°E) –EUMETSAT council approved program extension to end-2003 INDOEX/IODC (63°E) –Council approval until end of 2003 –Full range of products, hourly image dissemination on Meteosat-7 –Simplified data-policy with unrestricted access –Meteosat-5 extension looks technically feasible until mid 2005 (possibly + 1 year) –Council decision for extension mid-2002 is proposed Rapid Scanning –Limited scanning of north Atlantic/Europe using Meteosat-6 –3 scans per half-hour slot, 2 sets of 72 hours per week –beginning Q Missions

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 5 New Operational Products High Resolution WV Winds (HWW product) –WV wind product from 16 x 16 pixel target area with quality indicators –Only derived for cloudy regions –1.5 hourly production and distribution in unified BUFR template –Available operationally on the GTS since 16 March 2000 Clear Sky Radiances (CSR product) –Cloud-cleared radiances (IR and WV) at 16 x 16 pixel resolution –Cloud fraction and quality control information –Hourly production and distribution in unified BUFR template –Bilateral distribution to ECMWF for validation and impact studies –Will become operational product after switch to cross calibration of Meteosat 5, planned mid 2001

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 6 Product distribution Definition of unified BUFR templates for wind and radiance products –Joint ECMWF-NOAA-EUMETSAT activity –Unified BUFR template was confirmed by CBS WGDM in June 98 and tables came into force in Nov 1998 –BUFR template for radiance products were presented in expert team meeting in Monterey, and came into force in Nov 2000 Future data representation requirements –All future products will be distributed in BUFR so as to take advantage of the benefits of table driven code forms –Image data from the archive will be offered in GRIB edition 2 –Involvement in the relevant WMO expert teams ensures data representation requirements are dealt with

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 7 Quality indicator definition for wind products –Continuing optimisation of total quality indicator –Dissemination of double quality control (with and without use of first guess data) for all wind products, H Quality indicator definition for clear sky radiances –Calculated using temperature variation and cloud cover –BUFR descriptors available from November 2001 Hourly wind products –Planned for 2001 –MSG baseline Future product plans

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 8 Meteosat-7 Calibration –Onboard black bodies used for operational calibration since May 2000 –More stable than vicarious radiosonde calibration –Positive impact shown at ECMWF Meteosat-5 Calibration –Cross calibration using METEOSAT-7 black bodies. –More stable than vicarious radiosonde calibration –Operational implementation planned for May 2001 HIRS channel 12 cross-calibration for WV under investigation Future product plans

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 9 Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) –Based on algorithm developed at NRL in Monterey –Uses co-located Meteosat infrared image data calibrated by co-location with SSM/I data –Operational implementation planned for 2002 Meteosat-6 Rapid scan products –Wind products every 30 minutes from 10 minute scans –Data to be available on the GTS –Quasi operational service to begin H ATOVS Re-transmission Service –Service involving reception of ATOVS data from 5 HRPT stations around the Atlantic and Arctic and timely retransmission via satellite –Council approval being sought Future product plans

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 10  A technique blending IR and Microwave data has both some physical connection and a good temporal and spatial resolution Principle Estimating rain rate from Microwave satellite data has a good physical connection but is inadequate for the detection of rapidly changing precipitation distribution Estimating rain rate from IR geostationary data provides high spatial and temporal resolutions but does not have a direct physical connection

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 11 Overall scheme IR Brightness Temperature(METEOSAT) Rain rate (mm/h) Co-located data (RR,T IR ) Longitude Latitude + 40° - 40° Set of LUTs Derive the product going back to the pixel resolution SSM/I data Rain Rate (mm/hr) METEOSAT data IR Brightness Temperature Create LUT 1 Co-locate data Accumulate co- located data within reasonable limits in space and time (on several “big boxes”) mm/h

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 12 METEOSAT Second Generation –Spacecraft MSG-1 launch planned for June 2002 MSG-2 launch not sooner than 18 months later –Central Ground segment Some facilities delivered, remaining procurement ongoing –Satellite Application Facilities Nowcasting (E,F,S) –Pre-operational phase planned to start March 2002 Ocean and Sea-Ice (F, DK, S, N, NL) –Pre-operational phase planned to start July 2002 Ozone (SF, NL, B, D, DK, F, GR) –Total column Ozone from MSG has been developed and will be produced by EUMETSAT from Day-1 of MSG Future programs status

US-Europe Data Exchange Meeting May Page 13 EUMETSAT Polar System –Spacecraft Industrial activities progressing METOP-1 launch planned for July 2005 –Ground segment Core ground segment kicked off Other elements are in procurement process (ITT) –Satellite Application Facilities 4 SAFs have been kicked off –NWP (UK, ECMWF, NL, F) –Climate (D, B, SF, NL, S) –GRAS (DK as host) –Land Applications (P as host) Future programs status