Masks/Self- Portraits Clay 2 Dunn
Masks are worn over or in front of the face to hide or transform the identity of a person. This characteristic of hiding and revealing personalities or moods is common to all masks. As cultural objects they have been used throughout the world in all periods and have been as varied in appearance as in their use and symbolism.
Ancient Egypt Pharaoh Tutankhamen (1350 BC) stylized funerary mask served to guide the spirit of the deceased back to its final resting place in the body
Ancient Greece 5 th century BC Built in megaphone to project voice
Rome 1st century A.D. In the Middle Ages, the "face helmets" were used not only during battles but also during tournaments and sporting jousts
Inca Civilization Funerary Mask, 9th-11th century Peru
Japan From the 12th to the 16th century, masks were used in plays to dramatize the Old and New Testaments It was common to use masks that represented devils, demons, dragons, and personifications of the seven deadly sins
Italian Renaissance The 15th- century Renaissance in Italy witnessed the rise of a theatrical phenomenon
North American Indians Many different tribes, used these “false face” masks to ward off diseases Seneca Tribe, mid-20 th century
Africa While the specific implications widely vary in different cultures, some traits are common to most African cultures: – masks usually have a spiritual and religious meaning – they are used in ritual dances and social and religious events – a special status is attributed to the artists that create masks and to those that wear them in ceremonies
“The Mask We Wear” 33k 33k absolutely-wrong-with-what-we-do-to-boys- before-they-grow-into-men?g=2 absolutely-wrong-with-what-we-do-to-boys- before-they-grow-into-men?g=2 6U 6U pb9A pb9A
Project: You will be making a mask that represents yourself. You must show PART of your face as realistic and PART of your face should be covered up by “the mask you wear.” Optional: may include words, quotes, poetry if relevant and will ENHANCE your project
Sketchbook assignment due Monday, January 27th Notes from this Power Point 5 points Minimum of 5 reference images 10 points Drawing of yourself (self-portrait) 20 points 3 Full page drawings of 3 different ideas for the project 30 points