Copyright Notice © American College of Physicians, Inc. Moderators Suma Pokala, MD., FACP Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Temple George Crawford, MD., MACP UTSA, San Antonio Credits
Rules of the Game Format There will be two preliminary rounds of competition The top two teams from each preliminary round game will proceed to the final round.. In the event of a tie, a sudden death question will be read by the moderator. Teams with negative points will not be able to proceed to the finals unless needed to have four teams in the final round. The judges’ decision is final! Play on your mobile device at
Once a question is read, the first team to buzz in will have 5 seconds to answer the question The moderator will stop reading the question as soon as the first team buzzes in If a team buzzes in before the question has been completely read, the moderator will stop reading and the unread part of the question will not be revealed If the initial team answers incorrectly, the second team to buzz in will have the opportunity to answer This process will continue until all teams who have buzzed in have the opportunity to answer the question If the initial question has not been completed and teams have not yet buzzed in, they may ask for the question to be completed before answering The team who answers the question correctly will gain the points and control of the board. Wrong answers will deduct points from the team’s total. If a question is inadvertently displayed, it will automatically be discarded. If the proper format is not used, 10 points will be deducted from the correct answer.
Thanks for contributing questions Dr. Crawford Dr. Hari Raja Dr. Michael Mcneal Dr. Malina Awar Dr. Elizabeth Koehler
Special Thanks Buzzer Operator Dr. Austin Meting, Scott and White Hospital, Texas A&M HSC Score Keeper Dr. Julie Nguyen, Methodist Hospital, Houston
Please switch off all the cell phones, pagers and any other devices that make noise